Recent News
Indonesian woman engaged in geothermal research, Ir. Pri Utami, M.Sc., Ph.D., was elected as Vice President of the International Geothermal Association (IGA).
The amount total of 29 UGM students conducts Real Work Lectures in Biak, Eastern Indonesia.
As a human, we cannot separate pulling and pushing the door from our parts of daily activities.
The ventilator product by UGM researchers received appreciation from the Governor of DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.
UGM remains to support the development of MSMEs in the country.
The Covid-19 outbreak has become the primary concern of most people in the world.
RISE! 1.0 | Business 101: Learning to Unlearn was held for an encore on Friday (3/7) last night.
The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) recently released the eucalyptus necklace as an anti-coronavirus.
UGM Community Service Program attempted to strengthen disaster-resilient villages in North Lombok.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM organized the 5th Covid-19 Webinar Series on Thursday (2/7) afternoon.
There are amount of 25 UGM students participated in the KKN-PPM activities in Jaten and Brubuh Village, Jogorogo District, Ngawi Regency.
The Head of UGM Tourism Study Center (Puspar), Prof. Janianton Damanik, said that community compliance in implementing health protocols during New Normal is very prominent in building the r...
Amount of 29 KKN PPM UGM students began to carry out community service activities in Temayang, Bojonegoro, East Java.
Blood plasma therapy or convalescent treatment is one of the current alternative therapies in treating positive patients with Covid-19 in several countries.
UGM KKN-PPM Kalirejo Unit, Kokap, Kulonprogo, launched a book of experiences regarding online community service.
The Covid-19 pandemic required many people to limit their movements and do more activities at home.
The UGM Faculty of Pharmacy was organizing an online seminar entitled “Qualitative Research in Pharmacy Practice” on Tuesday (30/6).
The team of students of the Faculty of Biology UGM initiated the utilization process of the sheep goat into biomass briquettes.
Recently, cycling has become a trendy activity nowadays. Meanwhile, Covid-19 has not ended in this country.
The Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim had released 4,504 students who would participate in the UGM PPM KKN activities online at the Senate Hall on Mon...
The government recently asked importers to withdraw the circulation of enoki mushrooms originating from South Korea.
There is amount total of 4,504 UGM students will join KKN-PPM Online Period 2 of 2020 from 29 June to 18 August 2020.
Narcotics and Psychotropic Expert UGM, Dr.dr. Rustamadji, M. Kes., Said that people who actively consume drugs have a high risk to be exposed to Covid-19.
In terms of principle and philosophy of managing ecosystems always depends on the management of human activities.
The allied health is at the forefront of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The lecturer team of Electrical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM developed a body temperature measuring device using face scanner technology (thermal imaging).
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Society of Petroleum Engineers – Student Chapter (SPE UGM-SC) won an award as the 2020 Student Chapter Excellence Award.
Covid-19 Pandemic has a notable impact on various activities in daily life, including one of the shopping activities in traditional markets.
The UGM Semar Team won the Honorable Mention Communication Award at the Virtual Off-Track Awards, Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2020, on last Wednesday (3/6).
UGM student remains to result in achievements. Not only from the academic field, but there are also many non-academic achievements, including in the field of arts.