Recent News
UGM students team managed to dominate the ITS Calculus Mathematics Competition (MISSION).
UGM’s disaster mitigation team was conducting a survey on landslide that happened recently along the Code and Winongo rivers that run along Yogyakarta city.
As many as 1,400 UGM students joining 285 teams of grantees of Student Creativity Programme from Higher Learning Directorate attended a second consolidation meeting on Saturday (2/4) at Fac...
Diabetes melitus (DM) is a serious world problem, including for Indonesia.
Rumah Zakat Infaq dan Shodaqoh (RZIS) UGM (alms collector) has once again distributed scholarships to students.
Grand Final of the UGM Outstanding Student Award 2016 or Super Camp II will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2016.
Dodol is a traditional Indonesian food. Because of its sweet taste and chewy texture that makes it the preferred food of various backgrounds, ranging from children to adults. Dodol its...
Pasienia application made by UGM students have ranked among Top 33 Mobile Apps 2016 selected by Good News from Indonesia.
Indonesian national songs have now rarely been heard or played out.
UGM student team won first place in the 2nd Indonesian Debate Competition – International Accounting Week, held on March 2 at the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.
Researchers from the Laboratory of the Institute of Economic Sciences, Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo, said that corruption was no longer dominated by politicians and bureaucrats only, but also priv...
Indonesia has not optimized the utilization of geothermal potential. Despite having 40 percent (2009 thousands MW) of geothermal potential of the world, Indonesia currently uses this potent...
The natures of Household Hazardous Waste Disposal (SB3-RT) that are explosive, corrosive, infectious, reactive, or toxic make it important to manage it according to its type and characteris...
Job seekers, particularly fresh-graduate, often complain about the difficulty of finding employment opportunities due to limited employment opportunities that are open.
A team from UGM named Yogyakarta Dewandaru Project won the National Business Case Competition– IDEAS: Indonesia Studentpreneur Summit 2016 from 8-10 March.
The rampant forest fires that occured last year in Indonesia drew attention as it had brought huge losses.
As many as 291 students of UGM join the KKN-PPM (Student Community Service – People Empowerment Programme) for two months, starting 1 April – 31 May 2016, in Bantul, Kulon...
Generally, the native people of Papua are divided into those living on the coasts and on the mountains.
As many as 2,500 students who receive Bidik Misi government scholarships attended a socialisation briefing from Student Creativity Programme given by Student Affairs Directorate of Universi...
Defending dissertation titled the Text of Murwakala Play during Ruwatan Ritual in Nganjuk in the Version of Ki Suprapto, HS: Transcription, Structure and Meaning, humanities lecturer from U...
The construction of the new building of Faculty of Cultural Sciences started on Thursday (31/3), marked by the laying of the first rock by Rector of UGM and 8 representatives from the Facul...
Government plans to decrease fuel prices for premium and diesel oil by Rp500 per litre starting 1 April 2016.
Five midwifery study programme students of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Vocational School participated in International Conference Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS), held by Internatio...
The Merpati Putih (MP) UGM team has become overall champion in the competition between Merpati Putih pencak silat units across Yogyakarta.
Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted the Human Resources Innovation Week from 22-29 March 2016.
UGM Vocational School along with National Institute of Technology (NIT) Japan continue to have collaborations.
Presently, only 20% of upper class families can afford a home from formal market, 40% of middle class cannot afford one without a subsidy, and 40% lower class cannot even afford one.
Another good achievement has been made by students of Universitas Gadjah Mada nationally.
Three UGM students have developed biogasoline from waste cooking oil.
Student Regiment Unit was established following a decree from three ministers back in 1977.