Gadjah Mada Gogo Rancah Rice, better known as Gamagora, is a new rice variety developed by researchers at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
This rice is currently being promoted to the public in various regions. The UGM Agrotechnology Innovation Center (PIAT UGM) organized the Gamagora Rice Dish Innovation Competition (Inosi) to further introduce it to the community.
PIAT UGM developed Gamagora rice to address climate change challenges. Its advantages over other rice varieties include its ability to thrive in rainfed conditions, its resilience against pests, and its reduced need for fertilizers and water.
Chair of the Inosi Committee, Wawan Sarwanto, stated that the Gamagora rice dish competition was intended to help the public become familiar with and creatively prepare Gamagora rice in innovative food dishes made by participants.
The rice dish competition participants showcased their creativity by preparing various dishes using Gamagora rice. The results showed that Gamagora rice could be transformed into various culinary delights.
The Nawasena team from the Culinary Department of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) presented their creation: rice brownies.
“The rice we used was frozen, then ground until its texture resembled coconut flour. So, aside from being delicious, these brownies are also gluten-free and low in sugar,” explained Helma, a member of the Nawasena team, during the Agrifest 2024 closing ceremony at the PIAT UGM complex in Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, on Saturday (Sep. 7).
In contrast, the UGM Center for Environmental Studies (PSLH UGM) presented their dish: Gamagora Hainanese rice. The PSLH UGM team combined Indonesian, Chinese, and European culinary influences.
The Hainanese rice was served with creamy mushroom sauce and fried gendar (a rice cracker) coated in breadcrumbs resembling nuggets. Indha Marta Raharja, a representative of the PSLH team, expressed her joy in participating in the Inosi competition at Agrifest 2024.
“We are delighted to be part of Agrifest 2024. We hope this event will continue and expand,” said Raharja.
In addition to the Inosi competition, PIAT UGM distributed agricultural and livestock products to the public as door prizes. These products included eggs, chickens, rice, and milk, all produced by UGM’s agro-complex cluster.
The event also invited all UGM faculties in the agro-complex cluster and MSMEs to participate in the exhibition. More than 20 exhibition booths were available to visit, and MSME partners from the local community provided food and beverages.
PIAT UGM organized Agrifest 2024 as part of UGM’s 75th anniversary celebration. This event, a platform for creativity within the agrocomplex cluster, was held from Sep. 5-7, 2024, in collaboration with MSME partners and the community.
The event officially concluded on Saturday (Sep. 7) at PIAT UGM, Berbah District, Sleman, Yogyakarta, with a lively celebration.
Agrifest 2024’s theme was “Seeding Ideas, Growing Future: Adapting to Technological Disruption in the Agricultural Sector to Achieve National Food Security,” emphasizing agricultural adaptation through technology.
The event featured various exciting activities, such as agrotechnology talk shows, agrotechnology innovation exhibitions, agricultural demonstration plots, and the Inosi competition.
The local community and farmer groups enthusiastically supported all activities aimed at improving farming competence and efficiency.
UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia attended the Agrifest 2024 closing ceremony and expressed her support for the event, which she regarded as one of UGM’s contributions to increasing public literacy on agro-complex matters.
Professor Emilia hoped that the public would understand the importance of nutrition in food, not just in its production. Agrifest 2024 is expected to highlight the importance of agricultural sector development to achieve sustainable national food security.
Author: Tasya
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif