SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Veganism is a lifestyle where individuals do not consume all animal products and their derivatives, including meat, milk, eggs, and products derived from animals, driven by health, environm...
The UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) is set to break the Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI) record for drinking 11,690 glasses of milk by students on World Milk Day, J...
The Indonesian government recently expressed its intention to collaborate with China to develop agricultural land in Central Kalimantan. This agreement was revealed by Coordinating Minist...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and representatives from PT Ciomas Adisatwa–Japfa Group have agreed to collaborate on developing a teaching farm and teaching industry.
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta UGM) inaugurated a vocational program in the form of a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) study.
The Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology assisted the Sungai Undang Village community in Seruya Hilir District, Seruya Regency...
The government is gearing up to roll out a free lunch and milk program for 82.9 million individuals, encompassing students, boarding school attendees, and expectant mothers.
Community service activities are integral to the tri-dharma of higher education.
UGM KKN-PPM students conducted sword bean planting in Namu Village, Laonti District, South Konawe Regency. This initiative aims to provide an alternative to soybeans in tempeh production,...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) stands tall in celebrating the remarkable achievements of its students. The Tekari team, a group of talented UGM students, has achieved a prestigious milesto...
Creating a sustainable food security system encompasses more than just ensuring food supplies; it involves economic, social, and environmental considerations.
Indonesia has long been blessed with abundant resources, including cultural diversity and spices, which have captivated the world’s attention for centuries.
UGM is dedicated to bolstering the future of food security expediting the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
In a collaborative effort between the UGM Faculty of Agriculture, PT Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret), and Petani Millenial Sleman, a crucial meeting was held with the Sleman Regent, Kustin...
The Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) at UGM embodies the university’s commitment to societal progress. This time, the KKN-PPM team from Karangkobar shares its narrative of uplifting ...
The UGM International Training Center–Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub, nestled in Kalijeruk, Sleman, has obtained international animal welfare certification from the Humane Farm Anim...
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture has collaborated with the Berau Regency Government over the past five years to implement the Sigap Sejahtera Program (PSS). The program focuses on the inten...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bank Indonesia (BI) Purwokerto, and the Banjarnegara Regency Government celebrated the official inauguration of the Coffee Learning Center in Babadan Village,...
In a journey lasting approximately 1.5 months, 23 UGM students participating in the Community Service Program (KKN PPM) have ventured into the heart of Kendal, Ngawi Regency, East Java. T...
The Brebes Livestock and Animal Health Office is making significant strides in advancing the cultivation of Jabres cattle. In collaboration with the UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and...
A celebration unfolded in Ngawi, East Java, as Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) marked the inaugural harvest of Gamagora (Gadjah Mada Gogo Rancah) 7 rice. The fertile harvest, cultivated on ...
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, FAO Indonesia, and the East Sumba Regional Government, orchestrated an evaluation and coordinat...
UGM is providing free breakfast for its students during semester exams.
UGM students have developed an early detection tool for stunting based on artificial intelligence (AI). The stunting detection tool, named Electronic Stunting Detection System (ESDS), is ...
The livestock and agriculture industry contributed IDR 1,672.25 trillion, 9.9% of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021. However, according to data from the Indonesian Minist...
The UGM Faculty of Animal Science, in collaboration with Global Food Partners (GFP) and PT Lion Super Indo, conducted Cage-Free Eggs System Training in Yogyakarta. The three-day training,...
A team of lecturers from Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta (Unjaya) team, is conducting prevention and handling activities for s...
Agriculture is an essential sector inseparable from Indonesia’s economic sustainability.
A group of UGM students involved in the Student Creativity Program for Community Service conducted an empowerment activity for a women’s group in Bendung Village, Gunungkidul Regency. T...
The impact of climate change is threatening the sustainability of human life.