News Report
UGM’s Smart Car MCS Team managed to qualify for the final of the Shell Ideas360 Competition in London in July 2018 after proposing the idea to build a smart car that converts plastic ...
Many people live by healthy habits and lifestyle, such as the habit of brushing teeth twice a day and cleaning ears with cotton buds.
Industrial revolution 4.0 is marked by changes that trigger the creation of new markets, including in education sector.
A guest professor from Australia Indonesia Center (AIC), Saman Halgamuge, shared his experience and advice on research and academics, including scientific writing, in front of UGM students.
UGM’s Communication Forum (FORKOM) of the Student Activity Unit held an event themed “98/19: The 20th Anniversary of Reform” in an attempt to revive the spirit and purpose...
Ramadan on Campus is one of events during the month of Ramadan that is annually held at UGM apart from dialogue, inspiring talks, festival, cultural performance, and free iftar.
Universitas Gadjah Mada established a cooperation with a number of institutions, which are Adisutjipto Technology Academy (STTA), local governments of Pangkal Pinang, Sorong Selatan and But...
Researcher from Faculty of Geography UGM has developed Landslide Early Warning System that is simple and easy to operate, named as Sipendil.
UGM through the Center for Natural Disasters Studies launches a disaster information system in the form of mobile application, GOTRO (Gotong Royong) or community self-help, which provides i...
Fasting during Ramadan while keeping the body fit is a Muslim’s goal.
After the Reform Era (1998), aside from the widespread participation in political decision-making, there were several setbacks in political developments in Indonesia.
National Work Competence Standard (SKKNI) and National Qualification Networks (KKNI) are the systematics of human resource qualification levelling in Indonesia to be more competitive at the...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Academic Hospital has successfully launched Android based applications, RSA UGM Online.
UGM students joining the university’s chess unit became the first winner in the National Student Chess Tournament organised by Politeknik Negeri Jakarta from 12-13 May 2018.
Center for Food and Nutrition Studies of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM along with Kreatifood Indonesia held a unique and delightful culinary event titled Jogja Pedas Festival (Fest...
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM’s youth study centre, YouSure, holds another Sociopreneur Muda Indonesia (Soprema) event for the third time this year.
Cafeteria of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM is certified as Halal by LPPOM MUI (The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics, Indonesian Council of Ulema) Yogyakarta.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM along with Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and PT.
Indonesian engineers are expected to creatively and innovatively give added value to nation’s competitiveness.
Ahead of the regional leader election and presidential election, the number of buzzers and bot accounts increases.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s AIESEC has successfully organized Youth Speak Forum Yogyakarta 2018.
Around one hundred lecturers, staff, and students of Universitas Gadjah Mada gathered at the Balairung of UGM Main Office on Monday (14/5) to jointly voice their concerns over the recent ac...
The National Movement of 1,000 Digital Startups has arrived in ten cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Malang, Medan, Bali, Makassar, and Pontianak...
Enthusiasm in educational tourism continues to increase. Unfortunately, this situation is not followed by an optimal learning process in study tours.
Universitas Gadjah Mada held another International Student Gathering at the front yard of Office of International Affairs UGM (OIA UGM), Friday (5/11).
Following the recent acts of terrorism happening in the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters in the outskirts of Jakarta, a number of churches in Surabaya, and other places that have took a n...
Diplomatic ties between Indonesia and Latin America countries have been going on through various cooperation schemes, such as Forum for East Asia – Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) ...
UGM Vice-Rector of Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.
Capacity of duck breeders needs to be enhanced to meet the increasing need of duck meat consumption.
Mt. Merapi in Yogyakarta on Friday (11/5) spewed smokes and volcanic ash.