News Report
Indonesia’s potential as an agrarian country is aplenty.
Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM collaborated with Border and Disadvantaged Region Development agency of West Borneo Province held local chicken breed management business in an effort to impr...
Five UGM students have made a medical tool to help nurses control Intravenous therapy for the patient.
As many as 38,854 students participated in the joint admission test for state universities (SBMPTN) in Yogyakarta on Tuesday (31/5).
Gadjah Mada Robotic Team is ready to compete at the Indonesian Robotic Contest (KRI) from 1-4 June 2016 at Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya in East Java.
Non-academic activities for university students are of significance for a student’s learning process apart from academic ones.
A total of 100 researchers from 15 countries met at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in order to discuss the development of eradication and control of zoonotic diseases at the global leve...
English Debate Society of Universitas Gadjah Mada won several competitions on regional and national level.
Wonorejo Mangrove Park is one of the well known tourist destinations among the people of Surabaya.
As a first step to commemorate the birth of state ideology, Pancasila, on June 1st, UGM will host the Congress of Pancasila.
Center for Digital Society (CfDS) at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM released a list of 12 smart cities in Indonesia that successfully utilize Information and Communication Tec...
Five UGM students are inspired to develop an application named as mBengkel, One Touch Solution For Your Vehicle Problem.The students are Abdurrohman A Rofiq (Mechanical Engineering), Alfian...
UGM is grieving once again. One of its best academic community members, professor emeritus of Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr.
UGM is collaborating with Peat Land Restoration Agency (BRG). The form of collaboration is signed by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir.
Post-graduate students of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM introduce how to make traditional medicine to the residents of Kapencar village, Wonosobo regency, Central Java.
UGM lecturer in politics and government studies, Dr. Cornelis Lay, said democracy process can run well if supported by three important institutions, political parties, parliament and genera...
As many as 57 Medical students of Universitas Gadjah Mada are scheduled to take the Outgoing Students Exchange (OSE) programme from July to October where they will meet scientists from lead...
Association of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) seems to be unknown among Indonesians, even for higher learning and schools.
Ganyong (arrowroot) is one kind of local food plants that grow abundantly in some parts of Indonesia.
UGM will start the construction of east ring road soon to provide better facilities for UGM academic community and surrounding communities.
SCANITY is the only student activity unit in Indonesia that learns Scandinavian studies.
An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale which hit Yogyakarta and Central Java on May 27, 2006 resulted in 5,749 deaths, 428 909 damaged houses, causing a total loss of about Rp29.2...
Regulations in communication sector are seen as not yet democratic.
Five Engineering students of Universitas Gadjah Mada develop an Android based application to enable disaster response more easily given.
Currently, there are many woman leaders in the Indonesian government.
Faculty of Medicine UGM appointed 31 new nurses. The oath was taken at the Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Tuesday (24/05).
Mathematics for some school children are considered as the most difficult subject.
Naval Chief of Staff, Admiral Ade Supandi, S.E., M.A.P., gave a general lecture to hundreds of student of Faculty of Engineering UGM on Monday at the Faculty’s office at UGM.
Poverty rate of rural areas in 2015 reached 14.21% while urban poverty rate was 8.29%.
As many as 25 UGM students will compete at the National Olympics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ON-MIPA) which took place in Jakarta from 23-27 May 2016.