News Report
Did you know that egg shells can be made into medicines? At the hands of five UGM students, the shell is made into gastritis drug.
Violent behaviour phenomenon occurring in Indonesia recently is very worrisome.
Amidst the waves of technology products that come in, esthetics and practicality are important aspects for consumers to choose a product.
Assessors from the ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) submitted their assessment on three study programmes of UGM on Thursday (19/5) at UGM Ma...
Mandeh lies in Pesisir Selatan regency, West Sumatera, which is renown for its marine attractions as well as coral reefs area that spans around 70 hectares.
Three Chemistry students of Universitas Gadjah Mada, have developed a sunscreen.
Up until Wednesday (18/5) at 10.45 hours, applicants to SBMPTN 2016 (national selection test to state universities) for Local Committee 46 (Panlok) 46 through the Paper Based Testing (PBT) ...
Faculty of Medicine UGM will have a scientific celebration titled Health Research Expo (HRE) I from 17 May – 17 June 2016, showcasing all research projects conducted by lecturers, res...
UGM leadership had a dialogue with students to discuss two drafts for Rector’s Decrees on Single Tuition (UKT) on Monday (16/5) in University Club UGM.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) visited UGM to verify the substances of UGM’s infrastructure development plans that are put into the Green Book of UGM 2016.
Hikmat Hardono, S.E., Akt, Director of Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaches) shares his experiences with 1200 would-be gradutes of UGM’s diploma and undergraduate levels for ...
An International Relations lecturer from UGM, Muhadi Sugiono, along with 130 world activists, attended the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nuclear Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland, 2-1...
Three study programmes at Bachelor’s Degree level at UGM were assessed by the ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) to earn the quality ass...
During pregnancy, a person’s immune system will decline and, thus, susceptible to various diseases.
Indonesia’s oil supplies are running low. It is estimated that oil reserves, which are a major source of energy for the nation, will run out by the year 2025.
Who is not familiar with Bali? The island that holds a variety of natural and cultural beauty has become one of the major tourist destinations worldwide.
Candidiasis is a fungal infection that is often found in society.
Professor of Forestry Faculty, Prof. Dr.Ir. H. Soekotjo, passed away on Saturday (14/5) in Gresik, East Java, at the age of 81 years.
After a series of dialogue and discussion involving dean’s offices at faculties and director of Vocational School with students, to respond to the issue of Single Tuition system, here...
After 25 years of establishment, Performing Arts and Fine Arts Study Programme in the UGM Graduate School has evolved into fine arts as well.
Business man and philantropist, Dato’ Sri Prof. DR. Dr. (HC) Tahir, M.B.A., gave a general lecture themed ‘Successful Enterpreneur’ to over 100 students of UGM on Friday (...
Five students of Universitas Gadjah Mada gave training on aquaponic agriculture system.
This year, UGM received 2,629 prospective students for Undergraduate Program (827 men and 1,802 women) through National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN).
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held Anti-Corruption Media Roadshow at UGM, Thursday (12/5).
Students of the Faculty of Agriculture UGM became the first winner in the 2nd Annual Biology Exhibition held from 26-28 April 2016 at the Medan State University.
Management of coastal potential, including physical aspect management, human resource potential, regulation, socio-culture, engineering, population etc, needs to be enhanced as part of geom...
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati., M.Sc., Ph.D., today visits the house of the late student of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Febi Kurnia Nuraisyah (19), in ...
Celullar telephone has become an important part in the modern world for adults, teenagers, or even children.
Sugar canes are horticulture crops which are widely cultivated in Indonesia.
The team of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, successfully brought most of the awards at the National Scientific Essay Contest Phytoplasm VIII.