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Vocational School Student (SV) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was awarded the Most Outstanding Oral Presentation in The 6th International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability 2016.&nbs...
Biological water pollution can cause health problems, such as diarrhea, worm infections, dysentery, cholera, typhoid and liver.
Center of Finance and Health Insurance Management Policy (KP-MAK) Faculty of Medicine UGM held a Forum on National Health Insurance (JKN).
Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM has established a target to become the reference for animal husbandry sector and be an international faculty.
For the first time, UGM, BP3TKI, Lembaga Pendidikan dan Kejuruan (LPK) formed synergies in the Skill Upgrading for Korean language learning for Indonesian worker candidates in the fisheries...
Change in land coverage on the downstream of rivers has the potential to cause erosion, sedimentation and flooding in the upstream.
As many as 20 students of Tourism UGM had the chance to explore Japan through a campus visit program to Wakayama University from 23-30 October 2016 where they learned language, arts, cultur...
Rural areas are often attached to the paradigm of poverty.
Tuberculosis Multi Drug Resistant (TB-MDR) became world’s serious health problems, including for Indonesia.
Dr. Sir Allamah Muhammad Iqbal as the author of “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam” has put him in a crucial and phenomenal position in the development of Isla...
Five students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will participate in the 27th European Student Conference.
VIAR Motor Indonesia will collaborate with UGM in the development of electric motorbikes to be released next year.
Deeps Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is still a serious health problem especially when there is a development in the direction of pulmonary embolism which can be life-threatening.
Three Accounting students of UGM, namely Nisrina Adelia Roselenny (Accounting 2013), Resa Masela Khairunnisa (Accounting 2013), and Rahadian Irfan Istiarto (Accounting 2014) managed to beco...
A total of 54 companies offering hundreds of jobs in various positions at the Vocational School Job Fair (SV) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
The culture of a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has made the Kyai (cleric) the reference for religious teaching and other social matters.
Two students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) took part in the activities of the Archipelago Youth Ship (Kapal Pemuda Nusantara or KPN) as part of the series of Karimata Strait Sail 2016.
E-commerce industry continues to grow and expand throughout the world as an important part of global economic growth.
Universitas Gadjah Mada reports the death of two of its students, namely Rika Vionita Kurnia and Rizka Fitri Nugraheni.
The Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) 2016 was closed on Friday (4/11) at Prambanan Temple compound.
UGM will celebrate its 67th anniversary on 19 December. Preparations are underway for such event.
Economist from UGM, Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo, proposed that the government would not only sanction illegal retributions at the public sector but also private sector.
UGM has once again participated in an international scale industry exhibition, Indo Defence 2016 Expo and Forum, to be held at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, from 2-5 November 2016.
Three Information Technology students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) – Andreas Gandhi Hendra Pratama, Ricky Julianjatsono, Fajri Nurwanto – have developed an application for t...
Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) held by Universitas Gadjah Mada in Prambanan Temple complex entered its second day, Thursday (3/11).
Change in bureaucracy is a challenge to get out of the comfort zone.
Vocational School (SV) UGM accelerates the formation of Diploma IV (four) program.
To celebrate its 47th Anniversary, Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM held a National Symposium on Research and Development of Tropical Animal Husbandry.
Inspired by the youth pledge that is celebrated on 28 October, the Social Research Center (SOREC) of Sociology Department UGM held a discussion titled The Young Generation, Language, and Po...
Wanagama forest has once again been appreciated by the world.