Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) stands tall in celebrating the remarkable achievements of its students. The Tekari team, a group of talented UGM students, has achieved a prestigious milesto...
Digital Transformation
The advent of the digital era has revolutionized societal behaviors and routines.
The UGM Digital Transformation Bureau held a virtual Focus Group Discussion on Wednesday, October 11, to strengthen the UGM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Society.
The UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences has released a book titled “Ilmu Sosial Politik Masa Depan: Menjawab Megashift” (The Future of Social and Political Sciences: Responding...
The need for artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education is growing.
The UGM Directorate of Human Resources, in collaboration with the UGM Digital Transformation Bureau, organized the Program for the Development of Literacy, Culture, and Expertise to Support...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to improve the quality of education, research, community service, and university management to address technological disruption and various future ch...