Sari Kurniawati, from UGM Vocational School has won second place in the National Accounting Competition 2014 for Polytechnics and Vocational School students across Indonesia that has...
YOGYAKARTA – Computer Science students of UGM have developed a method to get information related to disaster mitigation.
Agriculture students of UGM have become the second winner in the national scientific writing competition Road to Scientific Paper and Seminar 2014 (MARSS), taking place on 27 April a...
The Universitas Gadjah Mada’s English Debating Society (EDS-UGM) has won a debate competition to mark the PetroGas Day 2014 hosted by Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Uni...
Student of Faculty of Law UGM has made another achievement.
YOGYAKARTA – Limited physical condition is not a barrier for someone to make outstanding achievements in college.
The best of men is those who benefit others.
The Aceh Arts Unit of UGM (SAKA UGM) has participated again in an international dance festival in Nepal.
YOGYAKARTA – An Industrial Engineering student of UGM, Andy Aulia Prahardika, has earned an award in the World Inventor Award Festival hosted by Korea Invention News...
Dr. Ritmaleni, S.Si., lecturer from UGM Faculty of Pharmacy has earned the Elsevier Foundation award in the category of Early Career Women Scientist in the Developing Word 2014...
Accounting lecturer from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Zuni Barokah, Ph.D, has received the Best Reviewer Award from the International Accounting Section, American Accountin...
Both studying and working have been experienced by the girl from Purworejo.
UGM ranks first in Indonesia for the Webometrics 2014 ranking.
A student of Faculty of Biology UGM, Matin Nuhamunada, has been entitled to represent Southeast Asia in the final round of The 3rd Annual Research Poster Competition for Undergraduat...
Students of Faculty of Economics of UGM joining the Mojopahit team have won the CIMB Asean Stock Challenge 2013 hosted on 20 January 2014 in Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia.
UGM’s Marching Band has won the second place winner in the Grand Prix Marching Band XXlX 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – By the riverside of Code, a small brick structure stands strong.
YOGYAKARTA – On Thursday, 19 December 2013, UGM celebrated its 64 anniversary.
For the first time, the student choir of Universitas Gadjah Mada earns an award at an international level.
YOGYAKARTA – Three students of Mechanical Engineering in the Vocational School of UGM, Moh Tarum N.
Jayamahe, the team for a fuel engine roboboat became the first winner in the National Unmanned Boat Contest 2013 (KKCTBN 2013), 25-26 November, held in Camplong, Sampang, Madur...
Students of Animal Science of UGM became overall winner and winning all categories in the scientific gathering between Animal Sciences students from across Indonesia in 2013.
Sappanwood (secang) has long been known in Indonesia. In Aceh it is known as seupeueng, in Minangkabau it is called lacang, in Java and Sunda (West Java) it is called secang.
Another student of UGM has made an achievement at the national level.
YOGYAKARTA – Persistence and consistency in dedicating most of his time for environment preservation have brought a lecturer in Engineering Faculty UGM, Prof. Dr.
Universitas Gadjah Mada became the only university that receives the award from the Forestry Minister in the One Billion of Trees Planting programme in 2012.
Several students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM joining the Cactus team have earned an award in the Krannert Human Resource Case Competition and Excecutive Conference 2013 ...
Students of Faculty of Law UGM have again won moot court competitions in IHLMCC 2013.
Students of UGM dominate the presentation competition on the 16th National Transportation Symposium at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta on Saturday (3/11).
YOGYAKARTA –UGM students have made mobile applications for early warning system of communicable diseases, using map based services.