Dengue fever is still a threat to people living in the tropics.
Chromium (Cr) is naturally a heavy metal which is an essential micronutrient that is required to improve the performance of insulin in the body; but clinical and laboratory evidence showed ...
Biological water pollution can cause health problems, such as diarrhea, worm infections, dysentery, cholera, typhoid and liver.
Change in land coverage on the downstream of rivers has the potential to cause erosion, sedimentation and flooding in the upstream.
Tuberculosis Multi Drug Resistant (TB-MDR) became world’s serious health problems, including for Indonesia.
The culture of a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has made the Kyai (cleric) the reference for religious teaching and other social matters.
Upwelling phenomenon is popping up in the waters of the Indian Ocean, precisely in the southern islands of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
Case of knock often happens to Otto ignition motor. The sound like a collision comes from explosion in auto ignition which is misfired in the combustion chamber.
Anatomic Patology lecturer in Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr.Indrawati, Sp.PA (K)., has earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty on Wednesday (26/10) for the dissertation titled Study of Fac...
East Nusa Tenggara is an area with a difficult topography and high use of firewood.
Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA said there is still a gap about social context, the patient’s needs, priorities and expectations of families and communities in the implementation of pub...
General practitioners cannot be proven as guilty in court when they handle patients suffering from Stevens Johnson syndrom because the treatment taken by the doctors are usually overmatch.
The number of critical watershed areas in Indonesia increases every year.
The prevalence of effect of smokes to people that suffer from persisten allergic rhinitis is increasing due to the increasing number of smokers, but this issue has not been given much atten...
Logic that contains determined and unconciously enforced rule and law of thinking and made the guide for argumentation (istidlal) has very strong hegemony in Islamic civilisation.
The performance of National Prosecutor’s Office in uncovering corruption practices in Indonesia is not yet effective as the number of corruption practices that have been revealed only...
A moderate trust can generate team innovation that is optimum.
Use of morphines in Indonesia for health services is very low due to the unavailability of morphines at hospital and pharmacists.
Approximately 3.3 billion people live in risk areas of malaria and as many as 1.2 billion people live in high-risk areas. In Aceh province, clinical manifestations of malaria patients...
Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Bangladesh, Egypt and Malaysia have implemented waqf as a tool to resolve poverty issues.
Breast cancer is the main health issue for women all over the world.
Mailinda Eka Yanuza, S.H., LL.M., earned a doctorate from Faculty of Law UGM on Saturday (10/9) for her dissertation titled Direction of Regulation Policy in Health in the Extended Autonomy...
Lecturer in Law from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed), Abdul Aziz Nasihuddin, has earned a doctorate from Faculty of Law UGM recently after defending his dissertation entitled Judici...
To deal with the numerous changes in strategic environment of agricultural development or global competition, farmers need to be reliable in playing their multi-functions as producers, mana...
Data from Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry revealed the trend in Indonesia’s fuel decreases from 945 barrels/day in 2010 down to 794 barrels/day in 2014.
Stock market is flourishing everywhere around the world, including Indonesia as indicated by the bigger number of transactions.
Services companies are demanded to maintain service-oriented organisational behaviour of their staff to support optimisation of company performance, including for hotel industry.
Effective law enforcement in corruption cases should result in the conviction of the perpetrators of corruption and asset confiscation.
Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine UGM, dr. Retno Ekantini, Sp.M (K)., M.Kes., has developed semilunar implant for glaucoma drainage to reduce hydrostatic pressure that cause increased pressur...
Barus and Sibolga are two ports in Tapanuli on the west coast of Sumatera with multiethnic groups thanks to its presence as an important trade area from precolonial to colonial times.