Kadar Pamuji, S.H., M.H., Law lecturer from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, in Central Java, earned doctorate degree from Faculty of Law UGM on Wednesday (24/8) for his dissertation titled ...
Lamongan regency in East Java lies in the watershed area of Bengawan Solo river.
Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp) has high economic value for its timber.
The phenomenon of people confessing to be God’s messengers will prove itself through the mission they carry.
Currently, there emerge phenomenons that show man’s lives are from from humanitarian value.
The tradition of bhanti-bhanti is an oral tradition that still exists in Southeast Sulawesi area of Wakatobi that contains the collective thoughts of Wakatobi people that is realised into p...
Social Anthropology lecturer from Universitas Khairun in Ternate, Safrudin Amin, M.A., defended his dissertation titled “Landadi Manusia/Dadi Manca”: Structure and Agency in Ver...
Enviromentally friendly human behavior is an investment for sustainable development.
Public health services in Indonesia have progressed in the recent years, including in primary service sector.
Lecturer in Sports and Health of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Yusuf Hidayat, Sp.Pd., M.Si., has achieved doctorate at UGM on Friday (29/7) in the Auditorium of Faculty of Psychology UG...
The literary work is one of Islamization tools in Indonesia.
The Mekarsari Park in Mekarsari village, Bogor city, West Java, is an open agrotourism destination that serves as an alternative to tourists.
Lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Ery Setiawan, earned a doctorate in the field of Civil Engineering.
The use of construction materials from fast-growing bamboo instead of wood can be a long-term solution to the problems of global warming.
Ir. Sasmito Soekarno, M.S., has passed his doctoral program for Civil Engineering and Environment of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Since 2011, Indonesia has applied acounting standard that is convergent with International Financial Accounting Standard (IFRS) or principle based accounting standard. But it only giv...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has inaugurated 1,074 graduate students comprising 966 master’s, 75 specialists and 33 doctorates.
A lecturer from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., earned a doctorate degree in law at Faculty of Law UGM on Monday (25/7) in the Auditorium of the Faculty after...
Geothermal energy use is increasing around the world including in Indonesia.
The habit of working together or cooperation (gotong royong) among Indonesian people may become the foundation for nationalism that is built on the principle of togetherness; it even has a ...
Unethical behavior in the accounting field has increased, not only in the developing countries but also in the developed countries.
Caring practices of nursing treatment at hospitals, including at emergency ward, are not yet satisfactory to patients and family as seen in the many complaints that are raised by members of...
Pavement rehabilitation is one way to improve capacity of road pavement structure due to increased vehicle loads or massive pavement damage.
Waste is still a serious problem in the country. Urban waste increases every year.
Tuberculosis, or commonly known as TB is an infectious disease that typically affects the lung tissue and is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
Probably not many people know of Raden Mas Panji Sosrokartono.
Prof. Dr. Juliasih Kusharyanto, SU, was inaugurated as a Professor at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, on Tuesday (19/7).
Industrial relations that exist between workers and business owners are vulnerable to various conflicts, one of which is caused by inequalities in the relationship between the two.
M. Ied Al Munir, lecturer from IAIN Sultan Thaha Saifuddin in Jambi, Sumatera, earned doctorate in Philosophy of UGM on Tuesday (19/7) in the Auditorium of C Building of Faculty of Philosop...
Welfare becomes an important thing along with the complexity of human life in this era of globalization.