As a medical staff, nurse stands in the frontline for educating society to live a healthy life.
Urban development from time to time has affected climate change.
The risk factor for prostate cancer apart from cadmium (Cd) is genetic factor.
Dermatofitosis is a superficialis mycosis often found in tropical countries like Indonesia.
Characteristics and repetitions of eruptions of Mt. Gamalama have indirectly created rock stratification that also serves to form aquifers.
The blooming of Lion Dance performances (Barongsai) in major cities in Indonesia after the collapse of Soeharto era is an interesting phenomenon.
Different from the belief in the Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms that saw the king as god incarnate in the world, in the Islamic kingdoms of Indonesia a king was seen as a representative of God...
Language diversity is a form of highly valuable national cultural treasures.
Aceh Government have been implementing national health insurance program since 2010 under the name of Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh (Aceh Health Insurance) which later was integrated to the Nation...
Tourism has a very important role. This sector has big impact on the economy.
There are repetitions in many kinds of literatures and book, as well as in the Qur’an.
The development of information technology and communication has expanded public access to media as a source of information and as a tool to voice their opinions.
Based on the initial survey in 2004, Indonesia managed to locate potential reservoirs of methane hydrates for 850 (Tcf) in two main locations, namely the southern waters of Sumatra to the n...
Regional economy dualism is a condition that often happens in all levels of development.
Temples and environment as cultural products of 9th and 10th century society, the era of old Mataram Kingdom, are arranged as a depiction of a sacred room of cosmic symbol.
Natural sustainability affects the quality of life of people living in that area.
Phrases like ‘lupa kacang pada kulitnya’, ‘air tenang menghanyutkan’, or ‘kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tidak tampak‘, are often...
International mobility of migrant workers has a positive impact for the region because of the flow of remittances to the region of origin.
Islamic Law observer from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yulkarnain Harahap, S.H., M.Si., sees that Law No.
The ASEAN Economic Community will officially take effect in 2016. This will lead to competition among Southeast Asian countries.
Entrepreneur and the owner of Solaria Restaurant, Aliuyanto, S.E., shared his experience in front of 1,079 graduates of post-graduate program of Universitas Gadjah Mada at Grha Sabha Praman...
Critiques and improvements of traditional performance measurement and budget allocation plan towards emerging paradigm in public sector organizations continue to be made.
Sukarno had the thesis that Indonesia’s independence can only be gained by way of revolution, and revolution would only succeed if supported by nationalism.
Modernization of post mid-XIX century has formed a pluralistic Surakarta society with a reflective culture.
Split-ticket voting is the phenomenon that is born due to the many kinds of elections, including legislative and executive elections.
The presence of smartphones in life has spawned a new culture in the community,including for urban women.
Until now, Indonesia has not been able to fully meet the need of food of its population.
Analyzing the phenomenon of earnings management in the perspective of opportunistic and efficiency by using a mathematical model analysis, Denies Priantinah, passed the open examination of ...
Land conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural use has happened due to human need for land related to development, residential and other secondary and tertiary uses.
Studying the TCF7/L2 gene polymorphism and FTO gene as well as their implications on Diabetes Melitus (DM) type 2 obese in Javanese ethnic group in Indonesia, dr. Pugud Samodro, SpPD,...