News Report
Disgusting is the word that comes to mind when you see elephant’s waste.
The state is seen as not having given enough protection to consumers.
Added protection to intellectual property right is given by government to boost the spirit in doing creative and innovative activity that can create new and beneficial things.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM has received the visit made by Japanese students from Indonesia-Japan Friendship Association.
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences UGM hosted the first National Conference for Veterinary Association, Interna Veteriner Indonesia (AKIVI).
UGM has once again signed a memorandum of understanding with National Institute of Technology, Akashi College (NITAC) Japan on Monday (26/3) at UGM Main Office.
Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra, M.A. M.Phil., Ph.D said tourism village has become a trend in of Indonesia’s tourism development.
Under the rain, the local people came to the Potorono dam in Banguntapan, Bantul regency to commemorate the World Water Day as well as the fifth anniversary of Clean Irrigation Movement, Me...
Nature enthusiasts joining Mapala Silvagama group who are students of Faculty of Forestry UGM has made an an expedition to Kelimutu and Komodo National Parks in East Nusa Tenggara.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has established cooperation with four regencies: Sigi Timur in Central Sulawesi; Bondowoso regency in East Java; Sumba Timur regency in East Nusa Tenggara; Timur Ten...
UGM harvested Gogo rice for the first time at the Ngandong-Getas forests in Blora regency, Central Java on 8 March 2018.The rice is inbrida padi Gogo (Inpago) or rice variety that is grown ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has yet to mourn one more time.
Conventional solutions are not able to resolve human problems, so smart solutions are required.
Institute of International Studies (IIS) of International Relations Department at Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Embassy of Hungary in Jakarta gave a public lecture themed GO H...
World communities including Indonesia celebrates International Day of Forests on 21 March.
Doctoral study programme of Faculty of Psychology UGM held an open house from 22-23 March 2018.
Kochi Technology University Japan has offered doctoral scholarship programme at the university.
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM hosts the 2018 Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) Annual Conference this year from 22-23 March 2018.
Head of National Standardisation Agency(BSN), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc., appreciated UGM that had already a laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).
Biology profession has a big role as the front guard of the rescue, utilisation, and conservation of biodiversities of Indonesia “Biology profession is no less important than other pr...
Habiburrahman El Shirazy is one of popular Indonesian writers due to his works such as Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2004), Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (2007), and Dalam Mihrab Cinta (2010).
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has triggered the emergence of innovations in various areas, including geospatial.
Phalaenopsis sp. orchids are endangered species while the orchid has an important role for crossbreeding of orchid cultivation.
As many as 34 students of pharmaceutical profession programme of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM were inaugurated on Tuesday (20/3) in University Club UGM.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Unesco and The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) have initiated the concept of sustainable development to be included in the curriculum a...
Faculty of Forestry UGM has conducted a tree planting event named as Trees For Solidarity with the local people of South Blora in Central Java to support forest optimation and improve the w...
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s students from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing that joined Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) have educated kind...
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has appointed to publish Indonesia’s Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) as ISO 22327.
Nurses are required to be able to adapt to challenges of the globalisation and digital era.
UGM Vocational School has established a cooperation with the Handicraft and Batik Centre (BBKB), marked with signing of an MoU on Friday (16/3) in Electrical and Informatics Department of t...