News Report
Faculty of Pharmacy UGM has once again organised International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPAPS) that brings together pharmaceutical researchers, academic...
As many as 113 students from 22 universities of ASEAN, Japan, China, and South Korea are gathering in The 15th ASEAN and the 5th ASEAN+3 Youth Cultural Forum, held at UGM.
Amidst the rampant debate on online transportation, Tranportation Minister, Budi Karya Sumadi, has reiterated that the government would maintain the existence of online transportation model...
EMTEK Goes to Campus (EGTC) event was organised at UGM in the Grha Sabha Pramana hall from 30 October – 01 November 2017.
UGM students develop a tool that can help the fishermen in increasing the result of fish catch named as Modern Revolutionary Multifunctional Cage or Mr.
Rector of UGM, Prof.Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., has inaugurated 18 structural officials of the UGM Main Office on Monday (30/10) in the Senate Hall.
The R. Soegondo Hall at Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM has been installed by Rector, Prof. Ir.
KAGAMA (Gadjah Mada Alumni Association) Virtual collaborating with House of UGM Alumni succeeded to hold an event to commemorate the 89th Youth Pledge Day.
Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputy Minister for Energy, Logistics, Regions, and Tourism Business Sector in the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises invites students to synergize with State-Owned...
Minister of Villages, Development of Underdeveloped and Transmigration Regions, Eko Putro Sandjojo, BSEE., M.BA., installed Desapolitan tourist venue in Jomboran Village, Klaten, Central Ja...
Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Choir will compete along with 34 international teams from 18 countries during the 23rd Malta International Choir Festival 2017 from 2-5 November 2017.
It’s time for higher learning institutions to promote healthy lifestyle for all its members of academic community.
Agricultural sector is one of Indonesia’s excellent sectors.
Central Maluku communities in Maluku Province have appreciated the small and medium scale business empowerment program run by UGM over the past year to process coconuts.
Regent of Kulon Progo, dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K), mentioned that to reduce economic gap, government has to be able to bring society closer to access to capital.
Higher learning institutions are expected to produce reliable human resource for marine development so that it can support the achievement of the country’s mission as world maritime a...
As many as 40 students of SMKN 1 Karimunjawa vocational school in Jepara, Central Java, joined a medical emergency training given by Universitas Gadjah Mada students who joined UGM Student ...
Faculty of Medicine UGM holds an alumni gathering on Saturday (14/10) in the auditorium of the Faculty.
Nature enthusiasts of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesian acronym: MAPAGAMA) holds an expedition to Mount Inerie which is known as Natural Pyramid in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, in an exped...
The number of traffic accidents in children in Indonesia is still high.
Tourism expert from UGM, Dr. Ir. Djoko Wijono, M.Arch., said that operators of Tebing Breksi tourism destination need to improve the infrastructure in order that it can accommodate the need...
National Health Security (JKN) has run from three years since its establishment in 2014.
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Social Development and Welfare Department at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, it hosts Community Development Expo.
Interest in studying Indonesian Studies among world communities is declining in these past few years, including learning the Indonesian Language.
Three years after the endorsement of Government Administrative Law (UU AP), there have been pros and cons that arise on the Law.
The research result of Gamainatek (Gadjah Mada Innovation and Technology) team from Universitas Gadjah Mada regarding landslide which happened in Pangandaran, West Java, shows the landslide...
Two students from Faculty of Biology UGM, Hanifa Haini and Fadilah Husnus, attended The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Science (ISSAAS) which was held in Hanoi, Viet...
UGM held Students Debate Forum (Indonesian acronym: SADEWA) 2017 from October 21 – 22 and will be continued from October 28 – 29, 2017.
Faculty of Philosophy UGM has granted the Philosophy Award to Prof. Dr.
President Director of Manpower Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), Agus Susanto, invited students to be agents of the digital based system named as Perisai that will be launched in the ...