News Report
Coastal community in the northern sea in Timur Tengah Utara (North Central Timor) District, East Nusa Tenggara, mostly live under the highest poverty line in Indonesia.
Vice Rector of Education, Learning, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.
There is re-emerging discourse on the planning to move the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to Palangkaraya in Kalimantan.
In response to the issue of demography bonus which is significant increase in productive age population, Youth Studies Centre (YouSure) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM and Inst...
Packaging is very important in post-production process. Good packaging can extend the duration of goods, prevent or reduce damages to the foods and make the goods look better as well as add...
Researchers from Universitas Gadjah Mada have developed cultural school programme to rejuvenate traditional culture as well as offer the concept of conflict resolution and preserve the natu...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Infineon have agreed to collaborate in research area, particularly in the development of electronic power.
Ignition event of National 1,000 Startup movement in Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM on Saturday (28/8) was responded positively by young people.
UGM contingent to the 30th National Student Scientific Week 2017 (PIMNAS) attended a dinner event at Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) on Friday (25/8).
Faculty of Philosophy UGM held Philosophy Expo 2017 on Friday (25/8) at the faculty’s hall.
National Development Planning Minister, Prof. Bambang PS Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.Up., Ph.D., became keynote speaker in a socialisation of government development programme.
Nature lovers of Faculty of Cultural Sciences (KAPALASASTRA) UGM will carry out their big agenda this year, which is Brantas River Expedition of Kapalasastra UGM 2107.
Health policy in the past few years has been able to reduce a number of health problems in the country, including communicable diseases transmitted by mosquito, such as malaria, dengue feve...
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurates as many as 1,718 graduates from Undergraduate Programme (1,143) and Diploma Programme (575) at Grha Sabha Pramana on Thursday (24/8).
The 30th National Student Scientific Week 2017 that runs at Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar was opened officially by Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D, Director General for Learning and Studen...
Government spending in the State Budget Plan 2018 announced by President Joko Widodo on 16 August is Rp2,204.3 trillion, while state revenue is targeted at Rp1,878.4 trillion, or a deficit ...
A Scientific journal is a facility for academicians to report and communicate their ideas scientifically.
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated as many as 1,729 graduates from undergraduate programme (1,146) and diploma programme (583) on Wednesday (23/8) at Grha Sabha Pramana.
Diabetes is not a strange disease among people. The high level of blood sugar is the main cause of the disease.
Suicide cases become a trending topic recently, such as the suicide case of vocalist of Linkin Park band, Chester Bennington, that has attracted attention from many people in the world.
The projection of Indonesian population in 2010-2035 shows a trend that continues to increase significantly.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has symbollically dispatched UGM contingent to compete at the 30th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) at Universitas Muslim Indonesia in Makassar and dispatch...
After the success in 2016, this year International Conference on Health Science (ICHS) runs for the second time.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have developed smart electricity meters to minimise cases of blackout due to short circuits or overload.
As many as 23 new nurses were inaugurated by Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. dr.
Deputy Head of Technology Knowledge in Indonesian Science and Technology Institute (LIPI), Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc., said productivity of research in Indonesia is still very low.
UGM student from Faculty of Geography, Aditya Pradana, was chosen to be Indonesian delegate in Tribal Climate Camp 2017 which was held in Washington DC, the United State from July 30 until ...
YOGYAKARTA- Anticipating the threat of world food scarcity in the future due to the increase of population, the impacts of global climate change, and the decline of fertile agricultural are...
The late Prof.Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie, M.Sc., Apt., was one of UGM researchers that had contributed much to science in Indonesia, particularly in bioethics.
Alumni and Career Development Center (ACDC) of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held a Job Fair on Saturday (19/8) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.