News Report
Chair of Board of Trustees of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., spoke at a workshop themed UGM’s Strategy to Welcome Indonesian Centennial amidst Global Competition and Disruptive I...
Faculty of Biology UGM enhances global network. Not only does it host guest lecture but also enhances collaborations.
As many as 100 doctoral degree holders in Philosophy had a discussion on the development of Nusantara Philosophy.
As many as 18 prospective members of Student Nature Enthusiasts of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesian acronym: MAPAGAMA) held a mountain climbing at Merbabu Mount, Central Java.
Muslim Women’s Forum of Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted a gathering in Grha Sabha Pramana hall at UGM on Thursday (6/7) to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.
Natuna regency in Riau Island province is rich with natural resources.
Law students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have participated in an international event.
The eruption of Sileri Crater in Dieng tourism area in Central Java on Sunday (2/7) was quite shocking because it happened suddenly in a safe tourism destination area.
Five UGM students develop an automatic fish grading or sorting machine.
Scaling or cleaning of dental caries or plaque is one of treatments for patients offered by dentists.
Diabetes is one of the biggest healthproblems in the world, including Indonesia.
The dream to be a farm businessman is coming closer to Miko Andini Putra (19) from West Sumatera who has been accepted as a student at Universitas Gadjah Mada in the Animal Science and Indu...
Starting the first working day after Eid al-Fitr holidays 1438 Hijri on Monday (3/7), the academic community of UGM held a gathering at UGM Main Office.
Museum is the source of inspiration for the future. This statement is exactly right because by looking at the collections of the museums, we can recognize the history as well as obtain idea...
Like many of high school students, Arkan Syafera wants to pursue her education to the higher level hoping that one day she can fulfill her dreams.
The prevalence of osteoporosis in Indonesia is high, especially among menopausal women.
UGM Midwifery students have developed a learning tool called as Phalasetom, Automatic Phantom for Ten Cervical Dilatations as a solution to dilatation learning model.
Math and Natural Sciences UGM students have developed the business in aeronautics.
House of Zakah, Infaq, and Shadaqa (RZIS) and Zakah Collector Unit (UPZ) organisations held an Iftar (fast breaking) gathering with children from orphanages in Yogyakarta.
Anggita Veronica Marthin is a diligent and ambitious student in her study to realise her dreams.
Gingivitis is one of mouth diseases that quite disturbs the sufferer due to its severe pain, causing eating and speaking hard.
The Faith of Believer Associations (HPK) is a community which is purposely established by the local government in Cilacap to accommodate various faith communities in that area.
With intention and willingness to learn, limitations are no barrier to make achievements.
A number of students of Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Faculty of Pharmacy UGM have developed a herbal formula to cure wounds usually suffered by people with diabetes.
Based on their concerns on the abundant plastic waste produced by practical activities, a team consists of Diploma Forest Management students innovate to create a seeding container (polybag...
Math is seen as the most difficult subject for most students.
Vera Juniati was very excited when she learned that she had been admitted to study at Chemistry study programme, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Red onion is one of the plants that are commonly used as spice in cooking and has many benefits for the health.
Brushing our teeth is an essential activity to keep our teeth healthy and toothbrush becomes an important component in brushing the teeth besides toothpaste.
Margoyoso Village in Salaman subdistrict in Magelang is one of the worst affected villages by landslides.