News Report
Environment Minister, Siti Nurbaya, said last year that Indonesia was in a state of waste emergency.
Behind the high level of cigarette consumption in Indonesia, there are several hundred million dollars industry with hundreds of thousands of people who depend their lives on this industry.
Thousand of former members of Gafatar (Fajar Nusantara Movement) have been relocated from East Mempawah, West Borneo.
Recently, the world has been dealing with the Zika virus problem in South America.
Hungarian Economic Minister, Mr. Mihaly Varga, said that the Hungarian government would continue to strengthen bilateral cooperation with Indonesia.
Five Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) students were chosen to participate in ASEAN University Youth Summit (AUYS) 2016.
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati., M.Sc., Ph.D., along with a number of researchers, paid a courtesy call on President Joko Widodo at Hotel Manohar...
Four students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have developed an application called Pasienia useful for patients.
Thousands of former followers of the Gerakan Fajar Nusantara movement, or popularly known as Gafatar, have been returned to their city of origin after they had been expulsed from Kalimantan...
Indonesian economy in the 3rd quarter of 2015 grew 4.73% compared to the figure of the same quarter in the previous year, and grew 3.21% against the previous quarter.
A team of researchers from Universitas Gadjah Mada joining the Eliminate Dengue Project (EDP) plan to extend their scope of coverage by spreading the wolbachia mosquitoes around the c...
National park can be used as an attractive tourist destination for foreign travellers if it involves the local community.
Nuclear is one issue that attracted the attention of the global community today.
Approximately 8.8 million Indonesian children suffer from stunting (short stature) because of malnutrition.
To raise awareness on university good governance, Internal Audit Office (KAI) UGM has conducted socialisation of regulations to be implemented in 2016 in an event entitled Good Governance W...
Politics and Government Studies department at the Faculty of Social and Political Scences of Universitas Gadjah Mada is currently developing the knowlege hub for extractive industry governa...
Five Universitas Gadjah Mada students attended the 2nd ASEAN School On Plasma And Nuclear Fusion (ASPNF) at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, from 18-22 January 2016.
Alumni Association of Faculty of Biology UGM (KABIOGAMA) who reside abroad have developed a mentoring programme for graduate scholarships.
Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, received a visit from the Institute of Environmental Research and Technology Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Saitama University, J...
A total of 228 students of Faculty of Forestry participated in the Soft Skills and Practice Introduction to Forestry Science (Forestry Camping) 2016.
Presently, almost all companies and government agencies use psychometry instruments and the expertise of psychologists in carrying out staff recruitment and development.
Former President, Prof. Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, said nobody born a conglomerate.
Snakefruit (salak)is a plant mostly found in tropical countries, including Indonesia.
Every year there are thousands of students wanting to go to state universities around Indonesia.
Ascariasis is one of major diseases in Indonesia. It attacks people from all ages, especially children.
East Nusa Tenggara Timur has abundant natural resources. One type of commodity that has withdrawn the attention of investors is manganese that is used in steel industry.
Cultural delegates from Universitas Gadjah Mada joining SAKA UGM and Sanggar Ayudha groups are chosen to represent Indonesia in the 11th Surin International Folklore Festival held by Surin ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada students join the Research-based Community Service (PPMBR) in Hargantoro village, Tirtomoyo sub-district, Wonogiri regency, Central Java, from 11-16 January 2016.
As many as 20 teams of law students from 20 universities participated in National Moot Court Competition from January 15th-18th 2016, held by Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Corn is a staple food that is often found across Indonesia.