Recent News
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada provides dorms for new students which can also serve as a place for cross-culture interaction.
YOGYAKARTA – UGM students who live in the UGM dormitories have established a reading library called Omah Karung Goni in Ngemplak hamlet, Sleman regency on Sunday (19...
Currently, there are 200 Indonesian universities having cooperations with Yayasan Dana Sejahtera Mandiri (DAMANDIRI) in conducting Student Community Service (KKN Posdaya).
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada and Nagoya University (NU), Japan, have agreed to establish the Centre for Indonesia-Japan Law Education and Research.
YOGYAKARTA – To enhance cooperation in the preservation of local tradition between Indonesia and South Korea, the Regional Center Expertise (RCE) of Tong Yeong City in So...
UGM’s Marching Band has won the second place winner in the Grand Prix Marching Band XXlX 2013.
For over five years UGM has reiterated its commitment in developing the Open Green Zone to make the campus environment cool, shady and comfortable.
YOGYAKARTA – By the riverside of Code, a small brick structure stands strong.
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian economy in 2014 is predicted not to be getting better, says economic observer from Faculty of Economics and Business; it is because inflation is to rema...
Over 200 papers were presented in The 8th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) from 12-14 December 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – Student Executive Body of UGM recently held a simulation of Mt.
Nations that have limited natural resources may build on economic wealth by mobilising their cultural treasures, particularly their work ethics, its open nature to science, an...
YOGYAKARTA – Ten years of becoming a liturgical musician has not made Marandus Sirait, 46, forget his hometown of Lunban Rang in Lake Toba, North Sumatera.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada grants the Hamengku Buwono IX Award to two senior figures during the UGM’s 64th Anniversary this year.
YOGYAKARTA – On Thursday, 19 December 2013, UGM celebrated its 64 anniversary.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, encouraged the Grant Program in Competition-Institution (PHK-I) that has ended this year can be continued under other name and sou...
Universitas Gadjah Mada continues to encourage the use of new energy and renewable energy by increasing research and development starting in 2014.
YOGYAKARTA – Technology command is a must if the nation wants to be sovereign.
YOGYAKARTA – Nine universities followed the International Geomapping Competition (IGC) 2013, held by the Association of Geology Students of UGM.
The connection between Indonesian and Japanese universities is getting more intensive.
For the first time, the student choir of Universitas Gadjah Mada earns an award at an international level.
YOGYAKARTA – International Relations students in Graduate program in cooperation with UGM Centre for World Trade Centre hosts the first WTO meeting simulation in Indonesia.
UGM continues to realise the green campus. Restructuring, development, use and maintenance of facilities and resources are made to create safe, pollution-free and environmentally fri...
YOGYAKARTA – Three students of Mechanical Engineering in the Vocational School of UGM, Moh Tarum N.
Jayamahe, the team for a fuel engine roboboat became the first winner in the National Unmanned Boat Contest 2013 (KKCTBN 2013), 25-26 November, held in Camplong, Sampang, Madur...
Students of Animal Science of UGM became overall winner and winning all categories in the scientific gathering between Animal Sciences students from across Indonesia in 2013.
YOGYAKARTA – It is predicted that over 200 zoonoses (infection of animal disease to man) and 25 animal infectious diseases are considered threatening public health in Indonesia...
Sappanwood (secang) has long been known in Indonesia. In Aceh it is known as seupeueng, in Minangkabau it is called lacang, in Java and Sunda (West Java) it is called secang.
YOGYAKARTA – Supramolecul chemistry and nanotechnology are new technologies that have been developed successfully by men.
Universitas Gadjah Mada was grieving. One of its best sons, Prof. Dr.