SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), UGM Alumni Family in East Nusa Tenggara (Kagama NTT), and UGM KKN-PPM Sinergi Kolbano students organized a beach cleanup event at Oesapa Color Beach in Kupang....
A Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) student team has introduced an innovative filament for 3d printing made from plastic bottle waste.
The Gamagora Rice Cultivation Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) planted rice seedlings in Karangwungu Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java Province, on Thursday (Jul.
A collaboration of 15 UGM students from various study programs has undertaken a community service project focused on the downstream of freshwater fisheries in Sendangrejo Village, Sleman Reg...
As many as 18 innovation results developed by lecturers from various universities were showcased at RekaTalks, themed “Showcasing Innovation: Bridging Greater Collaboration for Future Gro...
UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) students have developed an educational game to promote waste management.
The Special Region of Yogyakarta faces a waste management problem following the closure of the Piyungan Landfill (TPA).
As one of the world’s largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters, Indonesia faces challenges in mitigation efforts.
Feed issues are crucial in the livestock industry. Currently, many farmers in Indonesia struggle to obtain livestock feed, especially during the dry season. However, some farmers have begun ...
The current need for food is crucial due to domestic food supply shortages that fail to meet consumer demands. The National Food Balance Report by the National Food Agency states that all st...
PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara held a Focus Group Discussion on “Smallholder Sugarcane Management as an Effort to Strengthen Raw Material Supply Towards National Sugar Self-Sufficiency in 2028....
The exciting news comes from the PPK Ormawa Team of BEM KM FMIPA UGM. The Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) is a community service and empowerment program initiated...
UGM students from the Organizational Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) team of the Public Management and Policy Student Family (GAMAPI) initiated an Organic Waste Recycling Center ...
UGM Peduli, in its ongoing effort to contribute positively to the community and the environment, recently organized a series of activities themed ‘Merti Bumi, Merawat Budaya, Menopang Per...
The Business Laboratory Community of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) won the overall championship at the 2024 National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance.
A total of 7,162 UGM students were deployed to conduct the Community Service Program (KKN-PPM UGM) across Indonesia.
Microalgae have recently been recognized for their ability to absorb carbon dioxide.
The TELADAN Program is one of the Tanoto Foundation’s initiatives to build an excellent and resilient future generation of leaders to contribute positively to Indonesia. With a desire t...
Two students from the Master of Business Administration program at the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (MM FEB UGM) won third place in the ANGEL International Innovation Competition he...
The NewClear team members Noor Fahima Wardaningrum (Nuclear Engineering 2022) and Maulana Istar (Nuclear Engineering 2021) won first place in a national essay competition.
A delegation of students from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) won an award at the World Young Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) 2024. The delegation, consisting of seven members, received a silver m...
Following the closure of the Piyungan landfill, waste has become a crucial issue for the community, especially in Yogyakarta (DIY).
Each country faces unique food-related challenges. For instance, Singapore lacks land to produce its food, leading to an annual increase in rice imports.
Attention to food security is increasingly important today and in the coming years. This is inseparable from global climate change, which has impacted a decline in world food production.
The UGM Semar Car team (Semar UGM) will again participate in the Shell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and Middle East energy-efficient car competition from Jul.
The development of tourism potential and several educational infrastructures in Warungboto Village, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta, has spurred socio-economic growth with the ...
In commemoration of World Environment Day 2024, which falls on June 5 each year, the Student Activity Unit of Pramuka UGM established a waste care community named LokaLogi.
A community of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students who are recipients of the Salemba Empat scholarship participated in empowering disability groups by managing a waste bank in Temon Weta...
In the past two years, waste management has become a major discussion topic among the Yogyakarta community following the closure of the Piyungan Landfill service. Waste piles have emerged ev...
The UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH UGM) has deployed 350 students and alumni as Qurbani animal inspectors across all regencies and cities in the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). ...