News Report
Faculty of Biology UGM has introduced an appropriate technology for the castration and pollination of orange watermelon to Depokrejo Village, Ngombol, Purworejo, Central Java.
Agreement among ASEAN countries to achieve economic integration through the ASEAN Economic Community cannot yet materialise due the unresolved issue of Single Identity Number (SIN) in addit...
High tides are happening in the south coast of Yogyakarta.
Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the regency government of Nagan Raya in the Faculty’s conference room on Monday (23/7).
Kotagede is part of Yogyakarta city which is known as the centre of silver handicrafts that come in the form of jewelleries, ornaments, silverware, souvenier, etc.
Doctor of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, R. Artanto Wahyono, has examined the association between expression of Beclin-1 and mTOR autophagy-related proteins with clinicopathological charact...
Regional language not just serves as a communication media, but also a culture that shows the typicality of that region.
UGM has once again hosted a summer programme for international students called as DREaM.
Boksi: history, philosophy, and tourism in one box is a project designed by UGM students through Student Creativity Programme to deal with the rapid growth of tourism in the present times.
Piyungan landfill in Bantul regency that measures 12.5 hectares is the central landfill for Yogyakarta.
The first brick laying of Mardliyyah Mosque UGM was done on Saturday (20/7) to mark the renovation of the mosque.
The sand dune in the south coast of Yogyakarta is the largest in Southeast Asia.
UGM, Directorate of Chemical, Textile, and Various Industries in the Industry Ministry, and PT.
Algae is known to be the raw material for gelatin.
In dental treatment, oral anesthesia is essential. It is needed in several procedures including dental extraction, root canal treatment, and many else.
Two students of Charles Darwin University, Australia have studied Indonesian biodiversity through the Central Java Field Intensive (CJFI-2018) summer course program hosted by Faculty of Bio...
Gingivitis or gum inflammation ranks second as oral disease with the highest prevalence in Indonesia.
Rejang language is one of five oldest Indonesian languages spoken by the Rejang ethnic group living in Bengkulu Province, Sumatera.
Vocational School of UGM (SV UGM) and PT Xsis Mitra Utama have agreed to do a joint training and certification to make international standard Oracle certification for Special Region of Yogy...
As many as 13 international students from ASEAN countries have completed master’s degrees in the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada.
A film by the title of “Sardjito dalam Lukisan Revolusi,” (Sardjito in the Revolutionary Illustration) was launched by UGM on Wednesday (18/7) in the Senate Hall UGM.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., inaugurates 1,083 graduate students, which consist of 983 Masters graduates, including 26 foreign students, 37 Specialists, and 61 Do...
Bees are known for the honey benefits. But bee venom that is injected when biting its enemy can actually be made as medicine.
Salat is the ritual prayer of Muslims performed five times every day.
As many as 2,628 new student candidates are accepted at UGM through Written Test for Undergraduate and Diploma programs.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada empower the community in cultivating silkworm in Karang Tengah Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Becoming a leader ought to be brave, clear, whilst being a decision maker.
Border issues between Indonesia and Timor Leste especially on the land are still unresolved.
The Sedyo Makmur farmer group have started to do organic farming in the Semagar hamlet, Wonogiri regency, Central Java.
Preterm or small for gestational age (SGA) birth has long been one of Indonesia’s health problems.