News Report
To commemorate the awakening event of Indonesia women, Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, has invited CEO of McKinsey Indonesia, Phillia Wibo...
In Indonesia, the use of fossil-based energy is still dominating while its availability decreases from year to year.
At least 150 disabled people from six districts in Sleman regency – Tempel, Turi, Sleman, Sayegan, Mlati, and Gamping – are offered to have Special Health Care (Jamkesus) at UGM...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has been selected by Anti-corruption Commission (KPK) as their partner to offer anti-corruption education in higher learning institutions.
Trading process in the middle of the digital era has been transforming into the digital market.
Protocol office of UGM has become the second winner in the protocol management conducted by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning for the category of State Owned Legal Entit...
Faculty of Medicine UGM has just conducted an Open House International Undergraduate Programme (IUP) recently.
Veronica Ena Murti Andani (37) is one among 30 women from Timor Tengah Utara regency that produce food from fish.
Achieving success at work is everyone’s dream. But it is not that easy to reach that, not just with hard skills, but also soft skills.
Study programme management at a higher learning institution should adapt to the need of the nation at present and the future.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) diving unit will do an underwater expedition in Bali.
The process of selection and election of Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) reached its peak with the holding of plenary meeting of the Board of Trustees of UGM on Monday (17/4) at the...
Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have been reformulating their organization which resulted in the alteration of Graduate School UGM into Cross-Disciplines Graduate School wh...
A group of global energy and petrochemical company, Shell, held an international car competition for students, namely Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2017.
Chairman of Selection and Election Committee of Rector of UGM for the period of 2017-2022, Prof. Dr.
Two students of UGM diving unit joined the Jamboree of Indonesian Students’ Diving Forum (FoPMI) VIII from 2-8 April 2017 at Universitas Pattimura in Ambon, Maluku.
Selection and election process of Rector of UGM for the period between 2017-2022 have come to the election and designation phase, conducted by Board of Trustees.
Biogas is one of biomass resources which is potential to be utilized as an alternative energy.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has urged government to revise Law No 41 Year 1999 on Forestry based on clear spirit, philosophy, and sociology related to natural resource management, especially on...
Another landsliding occured in Ponorogo, East Java, on Sunday (9/4). But there is even greater risk for flash flood after landslides.
Bran polish potential as an edible oil and oryzanol source is valuable due to its benefit for the health of the heart and cardiovascular system.
After completing Sarjana (undergraduate), Diploma, or Pascasarjana (graduate) programmes, alumni have the options to go straight to work or continue their education.
Centre for Anti-corruption Studies of Faculty of Law UGM (PUKAT FH UGM) strongly condemned all kinds of terrors addressed to the Anti-corruption Commission (KPK), including the recent case ...
Five state universities in Yogyakarta, UGM, UNY, UPN, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and ISI are ready to organise the Joint Selection for State Universities Admission (SBMPTN) 2017.
Students of Nature Enthusiast UGM (MAPAGAMA) is getting ready for exploring a cave in Thailand on April 29, 2017.
UGM Vocational School installed Test English for Vocational Students (TEVocS) Laboratory on Friday (7/4) which was signed by the ribbon cutting by Dean of Vocational School, Wikan Sakarinto...
Businessman and philanthropist Dato’ Sri Prof. Dr. (HC) Tahir, M.B.A., reportedly would assist funding the UGM student centre as it is not just an ordinary building but can be the ico...
As many as 26 students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) had succeeded to move forward to Mathematics and Natural Sciences National Olympiad.
Oil palm commodity is a commodity of excellence from Indonesia with the fruit is processed into palm oil.
Faculty of Forestry UGM is entrusted by government to manage the Getas-Ngandong forests that lie between Blora and Ngawi cities.