News Report
Research and innovation development is the key to building nation’s competitiveness.
Three Rektor candidates of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) were declared that they pass the selection at the Academic Senate level on Wednesday (5/4).
Selection and election process of UGM Rector for 2017-2022 period has entered the evaluation stage by Academic Senate on Wednesday (5/4).
Vocational School UGM has established cooperation with cellular mobile operator, Telkomsel, to make synergy between creative programme and curriculum.
Society has an important role in development because their participation is the prerequisite to a development process.
Seram island in Central Maluku has big potential in renewable natural resources, such as coconut trees, cocoa, dammar, and candlenut.
Nine students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) are selected to be the delegates of Indonesia in the Asia Urban Youth Assembly (AUYA) 2017.
UGM’s Southeast Asian Social Study Center (PSSAT) collaborated with One Billion Raising Yogyakarta movement held a workshop on strengthening social awareness entitled WORKSHOP ON STAN...
Indonesian Ministry of Health strengthens the primary health service which aims to enhance the health status of Indonesian society.The Health Minister, Nila F.
Marine study group of Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada (KSK Biogama) has explored the waters of Wangi-wangi island at the Wakatobi National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, from December...
Santrinisasi and resantrisasi (the process of becoming Islamic urban group and the return of being Islamic urban group) of the middle class have affected significantly on the growth of Musl...
As many as 7.7 million of construction workers in Indonesia are involved in infrastructure development in the country, but only 20 percent have certification.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D, inaugurated three new officials on Friday (31/3) in the Multimedia Room of UGM Main Office.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada had the chance to express their aspiration to the candidates for UGM new rector in the Aspiration Forum on Thursday (30/3) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
Southeast Asian Social Study Center (PSSAT) UGM collaborated with Mission of Japan to ASEAN held an international seminar entitled Strengthening Japan and ASEAN Relations on the Occasion of...
The existence of non-teaching staffs in university becomes an essential organ to encourage the progress of the university so it can be a world class university.
As many as 71 students of SD Panggang 2 elementary school in Giriharjovillage, Gunung Kidul regency, followed tree planting and waste disposal project around their neighbourhood.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) opens new study program of Diploma 4 (D IV) for Regional Economic Planning which is managed by Vocational School UGM.
In Islam, woman position is not only seen as a physical entity in the form of gender, but also seen in feminity perspective which is the form of God manifestation to nature.
Energy Study Center Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) receives research fund from Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education as much as USD 3 million or 39 billion rupiahs for conduct...
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada continue to participate in international events, World Forum for Youth Leaders, in Taiwan from 8-13 March 2017, hosted by Tamkang University, to discuss ...
Students from Universitas Gadjah Mada continue to participate in international events.
Preventive ways and control to reduce resistance to antibiotics need to be attempted by all stakeholders, particularly to form rational drug use behaviour.
Hundreds of residents from Bantul regency celebrated the World Water Day 2017 by conducting a cultural event in Sidomulyo village.
Indonesia is known as a country with strong optimism and potential to play the role as leader, especially in ASEAN.
Seven UGM students succeeded developing an innovation which facilitates Co-Assistant students of dentistry to meet the patients on the internet via an application named COASS.
Digital democracy has affected some government policies. It adds to the type of democracy being implemented by Parliament at the House and street parliament (demonstration).
Community Service Directorate of Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Social Ministry, Social Agency of Yogyakarta, Social Agency for Women Empowerment of Kulon Progo, and Education ...
Aedes aegypti mosquito carrying Wolbachia bacteria has once again be released to a number of districts in Yogyakarta.