News Report
Psychological syndrome phenomenons such as internet addiction or bullying through social media need to be observed to see the links between man and technology at present.
UGM hosted Population-Activities-Resources-Environment (PARE) Spring School 2019 from 15-25 February. As many as 29 students came from five universities in Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia wh...
UGM hosted the 3rd AUN Student Affairs Network Meeting (AUN-SAN) conducted in conjunction with the 7th ASEAN Student Leaders Forum (ASLF) from 11-15 February 2019.
Expert in Comparative Philosophy and Religious Studies from Central University of Kashmir, India, Prof. Hamidullah Marazi, delivered a public lecture to hundreds of UGM’s Philosophy s...
UGM’s Faculty of Philosophy introduced Indonesian philosophy to US students in the School of International Training (SIT) Study Abroad programme from 11-22 February 2019.
As many as 28 UGM students conducted various community programmes for those impacted by earthquakes in Labuan Pandan and Sugian villages in Sambelia district, East Lombok regency, from 24 D...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has hosted Southeast Asia Dean’s Course from 6-9 February attended by speakers from Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia and Germany.
Girikerto village in the north of Mt. Lawu in East Java has tourism potential which includes tea plantation in Jamus area, Sumber Koso park, and Ondo Rante waterfall.
Indonesia is lacking forensic psychology experts amidst the need of them in court proceedings related to crime, corruption and terrorism cases.
Sugi (49) chairman of Mekar Sari farmer group from Leksana village in Karangkobar district, Banjarnegara city, Central Java, has since September 2018 installed a biogas unit from UGM’...
Chairman of UGM alumni association (KAGAMA), Ganjar Pranowo, visited the site of UGM Student Community Service programme in Gumantar village, North Lombok, on 24 January.
Indonesia is known as a Muslim country that has democratic, peaceful, and civilised characters.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will nominate Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah Muslim organisations for consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Former President of Timor Leste and Nobel laureate of 1996, Ramos Horta, will be one speaker in a seminar themed Indonesia’s Islam at Global Stage: Inspiration for World Peace on Frid...
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., received the visit made by South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E.
Center for Digital Society (CfDS) from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM for the second time has been nominated for World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Prize 2019.
Two Biology UGM students have joined the Global Goals Model United Nations (GGMUN) 2019 held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 11-14 January 2019.
As many as 27 delegates from Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany visited Geology Engineering Department UGM on Friday (18/1).
Universitas Gadjah Mada sent volunteers for Disaster Response Unit (DERU) to help with psychological and health recovery of survivors of the tsunami that struck South Lampung on 22 December...
UGM sent another 30 students to Girikerto village in Sine district, Ngawi regency (East Java) for community service programme on 26 December 2018 Later on 5 and 7 January 2019, the students...
Minister for Energy and Energy Resources, Ignasius Jonan, launched electric trishaw (becak) produced by Engineering students and lecturers of UGM at Balairung UGM on Friday (18/1).
UGM Centre for Security and Peace Studies has launched a book entitled “Dua Menyemai Damai: Peran dan Kontribusi Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam Perdamaian dan Demokrasi”...
Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Department of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM has mentored cocoa farmers in Madiun, East Java.
UGM researchers have turned crab and shrimp shells into environmentally friendly nanochitosan to minimise pests.
UGM Rector received a visit made by president and director of Kansai University of International Studies(KUIS) on Thursday(10/1) at UGM Main Office.
Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem Department of Agricultural Technology UGM has introduced biodigester technology to the residents of Laksana village in Karangkobar district, Banjarneg...
Since 2015, Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM has established cooperation with developers of grass seed and legume, Cropmark Seed Company New Zealand.
Faculty of Biology UGM was visited by a New Zealand international trade company, Shafers Ltd, represented by Brin Thorington last December.
As many as 80 UGM students have been selected to join woman’s capacity training during the UNESCO-UNITWIN Training Program, held at UGM.
UGM Vice-Rector for Human Resource and Asset, Prof. Dr. Ir.