Study Program
The Doctoral Study Program in Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM was established in 1981 under the Department of Postgraduates in Mathematics and Natural Scien...
Doctor in Computer Science Study Program is an academic-oriented education that was established in 2002.
The Doctoral Program in Physics was established with the aim to produce doctoral degree graduates in the field of Physics who possess integrity and dedication towards the development of phy...
The Master in Chemistry Study Program is an academic-oriented education that was established in 1981.
Master in Computer Science Study Program (Master of Computer Science) is an academic-oriented education that was established in 1999.
The Masters in Physics Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada University was officially established in 1993.
Actuarial Science is a field of science that uses probability theory, mathematics, statistics, and economics to measure and calculate the financial impact of an uncertain event in the futur...
The Undergraduate Program in Computer Science (UP-CS) was established in 1987.
Statistics Study Program (PS Statistics) was established in 1987 and is an educational institution that organizes undergraduate education.
The UGM Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEIE) was founded in 1963 under the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
Environmental Infrastructure Engineering aims at producing graduates who contribute to and play a significant role in the development of drinking water supply infrastructure, environmental ...