Universitas Gadjah Mada and teams of students of the acceptance ceremony for new students 2015 have been awarded by the Lembaga Prestasi Indonesia Dunia organisation (Leprid) in the categor...
Students of UGM have won the Danone Young Social Entrepreneur 2015 awards held from 18-19 August 2015 in Cyber Tower Jakarta.
YOGYAKARTA – The Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Archives have been nominated the best national archives among universities’.
UGM students have earned awards in the Geography Information Sytem Student Competition in Bandung, 13 August 2015 lalu.
YOGYAKARTA – Who would have thought that the inexpensive tempeh enjoyed by Indonesian people can serve as chicken feed as well? Tempeh contains amino acid that can substitute syntheti...
Universitas Gadjah Mada lecturer in accounting, Singgih Wijayana, Ph.D.
UGM students have won an award from Asia-Pacific Model United Nations 2015 in Perth, Australia, from 29 June – 4 July 2015.
YOGYAKARTA – Dianty Widyowati Ningrum, 20, Social Development and Welfare student at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has been ranked third best stud...
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have won awards from the Youth Program event held by the Public Works and Settlement Ministry.
The UGM female students team has won the Volleyball Tournament at Universitas Padjajaran from 4-9 May 2015, beating the Universitas Brawijaya team.
Economics and Business students team of Universitas Gadjah Mada joining the Breaktrough team has made an achievement by becoming the best team in the Honda WOW Case Competition held from 29...
Another lecturer of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Teuku Faisal Fathani, Ph.D., has won the Technology Innovator 2015 award from Research, Technology, and Higher Learning Ministry.
Two students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have won two medals in the Kartika Cup VIII National Judo Competition 2015 that last from 20-23 April 2015 at Auditorium of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.&n...
YOGYAKARTA –Engineering students of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Ridwan Wicaksono and Imaduddin Madjid, won International,Technology and Innovation competition, ASME Innovation Show...
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s physics lecturer of, Dr. Gede Bayu Suparta, has won an award as technology innovator from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning for his d...
Agam Budi Satria, student of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM class of 2011, has earned an international award in the US Federation UNESCO Clubs (USFUCA) Worldwide Multimedia Competition 2015.
Due to their love of termite cellulase, the UGM team for termite cellulase has been granted the Best Oral Presentation during the Hokkaido Indonesian Student Association Scientific Meeting ...
Another achievement has been made by students of Accounting in Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Accounting students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM have won three awards in the Accounting Students Conference held at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta from 12-18 March 2015.
Geography students from UGM have won an award during The 2nd International Conference Planning in The Era of Uncertainty (ICPEU) conference that last from 3-4 March 2015 at Universitas Braw...
Accounting students in the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM that joined the Palapa team have won the Risk Intelligence Challenge Trophy 2015 (RICT 2015).
YOGYAKARTA – Studying at Universitas Gadjah Mada has become a dream for many high school students, including Puji Utomo dan Atik Winarti.
YOGYAKARTA – Universitas Gadjah Mada has once again ranked first among Indonesian universities based on Webometrics as per January 2015.
Three students of GM, Hibran S. Maksum and Muh. Faiz Aghni – both from Mechanical Engineering, and R.
Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk have been granted the Golden Peacock Awards in Mumbai, India, for the cooperation established between the Faculty and ...
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Dentistry UGM’s lecturer, Ika Dewi Ana, DDS., Ph.D., was granted the Extraordinary Intellectual Property (AKIL) award by the Research, Technology, and Hi...
Lecturer from Agricultural Economics study programme of UGM, Prof. Dr.
YOGYAKARTA – UGM Chemical Engineering earned accreditation from the London-based accreditation institute, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), last December, making it the firs...
UGM has received the Makarti Pramati award from the Rural and Underdeveloped Regions and Transmigration Ministry.
Student team from UGM has won an international award organised by AT&T and IBM in the Public Safety App Challenge, in Silicon Valley, California, U.S.