News Report
Tengkorak (Skull) film made by Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Vocational School has received positive responses from viewers who came to the Gala World Premiere Cinequest 2018 in San ...
Faculty of Biology UGM along with Department of Life Science National Central University (NCU) Taiwan have won a joint research grant from Taiwanese government.
Agriculture Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman, expressed optimism that Indonesia would be the food storehouse by year 2045.
Spain is seen as having successfully improved its economy from tourism sector despite the crisis that happened along with the crisis affecting Greek.
Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted the 12th South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) 2018 symposium themed Engineering Education and Research for Sustainable Development from 1...
Water privatisation matter in Jakarta for the past 20 years has not met the demands of the public, even the water has become economic goods that is getting more expensive.
Plant ecology expert from Murdoch University, Prof. Neal Enright, gave a general lecture to students and lecturers of Faculty of Biology UGM.The lecture on Thursday (8/3) raised the theme F...
Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) hosted a Focus Group Discussion themed Finding Identity Resources of Nation’s Political Cu...
Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Pradeep Kumar Rawat, met with Rector of UGM at UGM Main Office on Friday (9/3).
Higher education is demanded to develop education that is responsive to meet industrial need of skilled human resource.
Indonesia has been predicted to lack of some 280 thousand engineers in the next five years.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with five partners on Tuesday (6/3) in UGM Conference Room.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM in collaboration with Association of Japan-Indonesia Veterinary Education (AJIVE) have successfully hosted International Symposium in Veterinary Science t...
Cochrane Indonesia has been officially launched to increase publication and use of reliable medical information in Indonesia.
Since October 2017, Faculty of Medicine of UGM has been changed into the names of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing as stipulated in the Board of Trustees UGM regulation No.3 ...
During Mechanical Fair 2018 event, Mechanical Engineering students in UGM Vocational School hosted a national seminar themed the Potential and Management of Clean Energy in Indonesia for Na...
International Conference Critical Tourism Studies Asia Pasific (CTS-AP) has been opened.
One of film productions made by Indonesian citizens, Tengkorak (the Skulls), has been nominated for Best Film in science fiction, fantasy and thriller category during the Cinequest film fes...
Health Minister, Nila Moeloek, praised the UGM Academic Hospital that was seen as having showed many progresses.
Universitas Gadjah Mada officiated the Innovative Academy Hub as a creative hub for developers of digital applications on Friday ((2/3).
To celebrate its sixth anniversary, UGM Academic Hospital officiated two wards named as Bima and Parikesit as well as online registration system that will run operational from 12 March 2018...
Managing Director of International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, visited UGM to attend a discussion, 2018 Youth Town Hall, themed The Future of Work, on Thursday(1/3).
As a public service unit, libraries need feedback with regard to their services.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s (UGM) Tahir Foundation graduate programme building in Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing was officiated today.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dispatched 184 students on Student Community Service programme in 2018.
Eight students of Universitas Gadjah Mada represent Indonesia in the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) 2018.
With the increase of Indonesia’s status as a Middle Income Developing Countries and membership of G-20, Indonesia has now taken the role as aid provider instead of receiver.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Medicine, Pubic Health, and Nursing celebrates is 72nd anniversary by hosting community service events such as home renovation, cataract surgery, ...
Industrial business players are expected to be able to anticipate against technology disruption while developing their business.This was said by Co-Founder & Director of PT.
Prof. Sardjito deserved and had met the requirement to be named as a national hero.