News Report
After successfully collaborating with the East Java Provincial Government, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has partnered with the Jakarta Capital City Government to work together in waste m...
In commemorating the Birth of Pancasila on June 1st, the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies hosted the Opening of Pancasila Month and Wayang Kulit Performance on Saturday (10/6).
The Karate Student Activity Unit (UKM) of UGM has successfully collected 29 medals at the 2023 Gadjah Mada Open Karate Championship.
Head of the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), Professor Dwikorita Karnawati, said Indonesia is no longer among the top 10 countries contributing to g...
Recently, it was revealed that actress Meghan Fox struggles with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) or body dysmorphia.
Universitas Gadjah Mada established cooperation in education, research, and community service with Bina Karya Prima. The cooperation agreement was signed by Vice-Rector for Research, Busi...
The UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Community Service team launched an Android app called SatuJantung to facilitate first aid and hospital access for cardiac emergencies...
An ophthalmologist at the UGM Academic Hospital, Tri Winarti MD, gave tips to help protect ourselves from the pink eye or conjunctivitis.
Pre-Event Series kegiatan Temu Bisnis dan Forum Investasi UGM 2023
UGM received a delegation from Qatar led by the Minister of State, Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, on Wednesday (7/6).
UGM Faculty of Philosophy has commenced the School for Seniors initiative, which was aimed to be held in Bantul, Yogyakarta, by organizing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Saturday (3/6).
UGM Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) Picks Up Award From Indonesian Health Ministry
The UGM Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) received an award as the best laboratory in genetic surveillance testing from the Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi G.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is among the world’s 50 best universities that contribute to the delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 7, and 9, according to the latest Im...
UGM enhances cooperation in education, research, and community service with partners in the United States by participating in the 75th NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo in Washington, DC, ...
Mahesa Audriansyah Agatha, a Department of Mechanical Engineering student at UGM’s Vocational College, represented an R&D company where he interned, Stechoq Robotika Indonesia, at...
The UGM Department of Social Development and Welfare and Save The Children Indonesia talked about child parenting in Indonesia in the Social Development Talks webinar series on Saturday (12...
UGM inaugurated a solar power plant for Siti Nurbaya Room in the KMLB Building, Faculty of Geography, on Thursday (11/5).
Dr. Hera Nirwati from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing was inaugurated as Professor of Microbiology at UGM on Thursday (11/5), delivering an inaugural speech discussing t...
The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to ASEAN, HE Kjell Tormod Pettersen, attended the graduation ceremony of nine students from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar who have gradua...
The Ambassador of Qatar to Indonesia, HE Fawziya Edrees Salman Al-Sulaiti, met the Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Professor Ova Emilia, at the UGM Main Building on Monday (8/5) to organ...
In collaboration with the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS), the UGM Department of Mathematics will host the 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Ap...
Professor Ova Emilia, Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), launched a student-initiated movement called UGM Peduli at Wisdom Park on Thursday (4/5).
UGM received a certificate and trophy for its achievement in getting a five-star rating in the 2022 Healthy University Rating System (HURS) from ASEAN University Network-Health Promotion Ne...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) collaborates with the Non-Aligned Movement Center for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM CSSTC) to organize Applied Science for Technology Innovation Inter...
UGM held a flag-raising ceremony to commemorate National Education Day at Balairung on Tuesday (2/5). In the ceremony attended by thousands of UGM academic community, UGM Rector, Prof...
UGM International Relations graduate Angelo Wijaya once again represented the voice of Indonesian youth in the global forum, this time as an Indonesian delegate to the G7 Youth Summit.
The UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hosted the Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo, or Italian Research Day in the World, on April 13, 2023. This activity is an ...
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs for 2014-2015, Prof. Indroyono Soesilo, handed over a number of collections from Soesilo Soedarman Museum, Cilacap, to UGM Museum on Thursday (13/...
As a token of appreciation for the success of the Wolbachia–Aedes Mosquito project in reducing 77% of dengue cases and 86% of dengue hospitalizations in Yogyakarta, the World Mosquito...
In collaboration with Penerbit Andi, the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology has launched a series of books exploring snacks from across Indonesia called Seri Pusaka Cita Rasa Indonesia....