News Report
The Indonesian Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimulyono, examined the construction of two new buildings for the handling of Covid-19 patients at UGM Academic H...
dr. Fita Wirastuti, M.Sc., Sp.A., as a specialist doctor of children in Academic Hospital (RSA), said that immunization or vaccination in infants or children should continue even in the mid...
Fasting gives several advantages for both physical and mental health.
Director of the UGM Academic Hospital (RSA), dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D., Sp.KK (K)., launched the GAMA Swab Sampling Booth.
The UGM Faculty of Engineering has a collaboration with the UGM Engineering Alumni Family (Katgama) to distribute 1,600 food items or sembako to overseas students in Yogyakarta and its surr...
Innaccurate news spread everywhere. In recent times, the news of saltwater gargling (NaCl) can ward off Covid-19 widely circulated through social media and WhatsApp.
Professor of Statistics Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Dedi Rosadi, in the latest release received on Saturday (4/25), said that the distribution of Covid-19 in Indonesia is predicted...
There is an appeal from the health department that encourages the community to postpone dentist treatment unless a state emergency.
Disinformation or hoax often provokes public. News for consuming seven kinds of sayur lodeh was viral on social media in recent times.
There is nothing special with the celebration of Earth Day this year.
Fasting during the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for Muslims.
Professor of the UGM Geography Faculty, Prof. Baiquni, conveyed on Wednesday (22/4) that the world economy is degenerating, but the world’s ecosystems are improving.
Celebrating Kartini’s day amidst the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge.
Older adults, along with people who have comorbidities, and smokers include to the vulnerable group of people due to Coronavirus transmission (Covid-19).
Maintaining immunity or the immune system is one way to avoid viral infections and diseases, including Covid-19.
The presence of masks is frequently rare in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak.
The Covid-19 outbreak affected almost all regions in the country.
There is a lot of information about Covid-19 in various mass and social media that often makes people confused because it is often conflicting.
Cloth masks have become the choice of some people amid the scarcity of surgical masks to protect themselves from the new type of Coronavirus COVID-19.
Professor of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr.
The Disaster Response Unit (DERU) Team of the Directorate of Community Service to the UGM Community provided COVID-19 counseling to some villages in the DIY and surrounding areas.
UGM Public Policy Specialist, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, said Indonesia must promptly learn in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak in the country that has infected thousands of people an...
The Alumni Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) in Qatar is raising donations to help UGM students infected by COVID-19.
One effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is increasing by establishing a fast and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19.
UGM Infection Disease Epidemiologist, Prof. Dr. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef said that until now, there had been no study said that air conditioner (AC) could increase the risk of Coronavirus sp...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a creative content competition with a stay-at-home theme that is intended for academicians and the general public.
After opening the COVID-19 call center service, UGM is currently opening the COVID-19 psychosocial call center for its academic community.
UGM’s Disaster Response Unit (DERU) started its production of face shield since last Thursday (2/4).
Doctor Tirta Mandira Hudhi or dr. Tirta, who is also an influencer, appealed people not to excommunicate or to stay away from allied health or patients with COVID-19.
A ventilator is essential for COVID-19 patients in critical condition who need to breathe appropriately and generally so that they can survive and recover.