News Report
Environment and Forestry Ministry encouraged collaborations between central and regional governments, private sector, society and others in waste management issue in the country.
Vice-Rector of Research and Community Service UGM, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., said Universitas Gadjah Mada had to give services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by integr...
Universitas Gadjah Mada and PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia have agreed on research outcome utilisation to boost industry and economic growth.
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM has developed Smart Coffee Enterprise Support System (SCESS) in order to support coffee SM...
Health technology and drugs are still a problem for human resource in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta Cooperatives and SMEs Agency have socialised introduction to the Model of Global Gotong Royong (G2R) Tetrapreneur Budaya (G2R Tetrapreneur) recently.
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM has transferred aid programme to Selopamioro and Sriharjo villages in Bantul regency on Monday (...
UGM students have once again took part in a student exchange programme called as Association of Southeast Asian Nations- Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (ASEAN-J...
“Stay in touch, be well connected” is a slogan of alumni of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Indonesia Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have conducted training programme batch 3 for breeding and management of commercial cattle.
Faculty of Engineering UGM and Non-Aligned-Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM-CSSTC) have established cooperation which was marked with the signing of Memorandum of ...
Violence based on religious extremism still poses a threat to countries around the world, including Kenya, Nigeria, and Indonesia.
Faculty of Agriculture UGM established a consortium with Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Udayana Ghent University, Belgium, to do research in using bamboo as bioch...
Rector of UGM released Semar and Chem-E-Car UGM teams that would compete in national and international events.
A team from DERU (Disaster Response Unit) UGM did a social work on Monday (18/3) for the communities impacted by the flood that hit a number of areas in Yogyakarta, particularly Wukirsari a...
As many as 25 experts from Asia-Pacific and Africa regions took part in Training of Instructors event for ecosystem and adaptation based disaster risk reduction of climate change in Asia Pa...
ASEAN countries are expected to maintain ASEAN centrality. “ASEAN centrality needs to be maintained.
UGM has collaborated with partners to increase understanding of Australia and relationships with Indonesia.
Faculty of Biology UGM enhanced cooperation with Faculty of Science of Yamagata University, Japan, particularly in Education and research.
Universitas Gadjah Mada and Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Germany, have agreed to establish cooperation in education and teaching through student and lecturer exchange as well as...
Two UGM research groups were declared Centre of Excellence of Higher Education Science and Technology by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in Jakarta on Monday (4/3...
Medical Education, Health and BioEthics Department of UGM has developed a programme, FAIMER Regional Institute of Indonesia for Educational Development and Leadership (FRIENDSHIP).
ILO in 2017 reported that 60 percent of Indonesian workers had jobs unsuitable to their education background.
Industry 4.0 has brought significant changes to world technology development. This includes 3D printer which is a key in the modern world especially in aspect of physical layer, Advanced Ro...
Faculty of Agriculture UGM in cooperation with University of Queensland (UQ) and Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, Australia conducted End of Project Showcasing...
Faculty of Engineering UGM celebrated the 73rd Engineering Higher Education Day on Friday (22/2).
Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto installed Lean Manufacturing and Lean Production System laboratories at Faculty of Engineering UGM on Friday (22/2).
Three ministers in President Joko Widodo’s government have been awarded Herman Johannes Award during Engineering Higher Education Day on Friday (22/2) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
German Ambassador, Dr. Peter Schoof, visited Geology Engineering Department on Friday (15/2), accompanied by Dr.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng, D.Eng., has received a visit by Saga University led by Prof. Kohji Miyazaki, president.