News Report
Geology department of Universitas Gadjah Mada and Association of Geology Students UGM (HMTG) organised Energy Talk 2016 in the Auditorium MM UGM on Saturday (1/10).
The face of mothers from Banyu Soca Playen village in Gunung Kidul regency were radiant.
Alumni from various classes of Political and Government Studies of UGM gathered together at the Jimbaran Resto in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta, on Sunday (2/10) for a reunion.
A music concert titled Kafispolgama Ngangkring: Konser Badai Pasti Berlalu Plus ‘Yockie Suryo Prayogo’ Yogyakarta will be staged on 6 November in Yogyakarta as part of the 61st ...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will once again send its students to an international cultural festival.
Orinteering is flourishing in many countries, including Indonesia, especially among students.
Sustainable tourism needs to be developed because the benefits from this sector can be enjoyed by the society directly.
Rural development model in the form of transmigration will be put into concept for Indonesian rural development.
Faculty of Dentistry UGM hosts another National Dental Health Month in cooperation with Unilever Indonesia, Association of Indonesian Dentists (PDGI) and Association of Faculty of Dentistry...
A total of 11 students of UGM passed the selection process for the National Science Olympiad held by Education, Youth and Sports Regional Agency.
The Anti-corruption Commission (KPK) has opened opportunities for Indonesia’s best people to join the anti-corruption mission through the Indonesia Memanggil (Indonesia Calling) progr...
Agricultural sector is still seen as unable to promise a bright future for people doing this business in Indonesia.
Experts from Universitas Gadjah Mada have the opinion that the cause of the flash flood inundating Garut regency in West Java recently is not only natural factors, but also the change in la...
UGM hosts the University Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovator Forum on Saturday (24/9) in the Grha Sabha Pramana Auditorium UGM as part of the UGM Expo 2016 event.
Amidst narrow alleyways in the East Lombok area of Banjar Kemuning, Siti Salbiah (53) was waiting for her customers to come and buy things from her small shop.
Dozens of students from Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan have studied herbal medicine at UGM.
Low human resource competitive power and low skills in science and technology are still a serious issue facing the nation with regard to the ASEAN Economic Community.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of Monash University, Australia, Prof. Abid Khan, gave a public lecture which was attended by the academic community of UGM on Thursday (22/9) in t...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has developed Gamatechno Smart City Solution, an integrated application system developed by PT.
The recent flooding that took the lives of people in Garut on Wednesday (21/9) proved Indonesia is a region vulnerable to disasters.
During the UGM Expo 2016, UGM introduced Biodiversitas, an android-based application made by the Faculty of Forestry and Mathematics and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, UGM.
Co-ordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Puan Maharani, said that innovation development was important to do to drive nation’s progress.
Head of Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) UGM, Tri Joko Raharjo, Ph.D., encouraged members of faculties and students to use sophisticated laboratory equipment owned by LPPT ...
Commemorating the 47th Anniversary, Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM organized an activity entitled “Bagimu Petani Kami Berbakti” (To you Farmers We Dedicate Ourselves) at the Aud...
Faculty of Agriculture UGM, Central Java Agriculture and Horticulture Agency, and PT.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UGM targets to achieve international accreditation from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in 2019.
Universitas Gadjah Mada organised UGM Expo 2016, an exposition on education, research, and community service, which was presented by lecturers and students from 20-25 September in the unive...
Since June, UGM has given mentoring to hundreds of farmers in Sumberharjo village, Prambanan district.
Faculty of Pharmacy UGM inaugurated as many as 159 new pharmacists (150 graduating cum laude), which makes the total of 6,762 since year 1946.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will soon build the Science Techno Park in Kulon Progo regency.