Recent News
Universitas Gadjah Mada retains its standing as the best university in Indonesia in the latest Moscow International University Ranking (MosIUR) 2021.
Celebrating 75 years of academic and research excellence, the UGM Faculty of Agriculture reported this year’s milestones in the senate meeting, Monday (27/9).
Five teams from the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business won the 2021 National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK) held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, R...
Lecturer and researcher of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Subiyantoro, looked into linguistic hybridity in the Javanese language spoken in New Caledonia.
Five students of Philosophy and Anthropology, namely Moch Zihad Islami, Bety Oktaviani, Doni Andika Pradana, Danu Saifulloh Rahmadani, Wahida Okta Khoirunnisa, teamed up to investigate phil...
Animal Science lecturer Galuh Adi Insani, in collaboration with several parties, develops an IoT-based broiler farm monitoring and management system called BroilerX.
The Astra Jenaka team consisting of two Electrical Engineering students, namely Zulvan Kheidir ‘Aliy Nurwigantara (undergraduate program) and Angga Priyatmoko (master’s program)...
UGM Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering won 62 medals at the 2021 Agricultural Engineering-Annual Regional Convention (AE-ARC) held virtually by Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Campus...
Five UGM students of different disciplines, namely Aizizha Syeilla Noverlis (Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing), Riki Wartakusumah (Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing), Nias Ananto (Ma...
The UGM Disaster Response Unit (DERU), in partnership with the Muhammadiyah Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIPMu Maumere), concluded transitional housing construction in East...
Angelo Abil Wijaya, a UGM International Relations graduate, won the World Bank Group Youth Summit 2021 Case Challenge Competition held virtually 9-10 June.
Recent research conducted by Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sebelas Maret University, the Antibiotics Resistance Control Committee of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the Kirby Institute of UNS...
UGM students won four medals at the International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC) hosted by the American University in Bulgaria online on 2-7 August.
The Tirta Gama team consisting of three Civil Engineering students, namely Candra Kusumasari, Huda Nur Arifin, and Agatha Sinta Nurlita, won first prize in the Paper category at the Civil E...
Together with a research team of the Faculty of Agriculture, UGM plant disease expert Professor Siti Subandiyah investigated the application of omics technologies to control the prevalent b...
The UGM electric vehicle team Arjuna won two awards at the 5th Annual FSEV Concept Challenge organized by Formula Bharat India on 30 July-4 August.
Soy-based foods, such as tempeh, tofu, and oncom, are among the most-consumed and staples in Indonesia.
Four UGM students discovered the potential of seaweed-based bioplastics to answer the ‘styrofoam’ problem in Indonesia.
Following frequent health protocol violations in the community, UGM students, comprising Zulfa Andriansyah (Geography), M.
UGM Institute of International Studies (IIS) has partnered with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) since 2013 to advocate the prohibition of nuclear weapons in the...
Lailia Zubaidah, a master’s student in Biology, was crowned runner-up of the Young Minds Award in the 2nd International Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Ornamentals.
Welcoming the new academic year, Universitas Gadjah Mada organizes a two-week new student induction program (PPSMB) starting from 2-14 August.
The 2021 National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Competition (KNMIPA) has announced its medalists on Friday (30/7).
Faculty of Agricultural Technology kicked off its MOOC-based educational program on sensory evaluation, Friday (30/7).
UGM Engineering students comprised of Vincentius Adven Brilliant (Mechanical Engineering), Sasa Aulia (Engineering Physics), Farah Octaviani (Engineering Physics), and Tariq Arian Khalfani ...
Another achievement unlocked! The Palapa team consisting of three Civil Engineering students, namely Muhammad Dimas Mahardika, Heningtyas Putri Abiyanti, and Rizki Ramadhan Prayitno, won fi...
UGM Rector Professor Panut Mulyono began his role as chairperson of the Indonesian Rectors Forum for 2021-2022 after being inaugurated on Tuesday (27/7).
UGM Student Choir scooped two awards at the Taipei International Choral Competition (TICC) held on July 22-25.
Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono encouraged academics to develop more research and technological innovation in the marine and fisheries sector. Deliverin...
Universitas Gadjah Mada signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Embassy of Hungary in Indonesia and the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) to allow polytechnic students and ...