Engineering physics student Khoirunnasi Rudin was announced as first place infographic contest winner of the Nuclear Youth Summit 2021 hosted annually by the National Nuclear Energy Agency ...
Ardan Jaenuri, Damar Abhinawa, and Muhammad Hafizh of the agricultural engineering program came first in the paper contest, International Smart Farming Competition 2021, held by Sebelas Mar...
Two teams from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fastech and Eco Engineer, secured first and second prizes in the Energy Idea Competition – International Science and Technology Fair 2021 held ...
We are delighted to announce that our student from the Urban and Regional Planning program, Ikhsan Mauludin, won first place in the national essay competition ACCER 2021 organized by the Fa...
A team comprising five biology and agriculture students, namely Rafelinta Daradwinta, Rahmat Kurniawan Talib, Nareta Defiani, Ragil Puspita Megaranu, and Asthony Purwanda Febriawan, was ann...
Two forestry students from Universitas Gadjah Mada, namely Faiha Azka Azzahira and Anastasya Tesalonika Ambarita, were crowned Best Overall Presentation at the IFSA’s 2021 Asia-Pacifi...
Ninth Generation UGM Arjuna team won 1st place in the 2021 PLN Innovation & Competition in Electricity (ICE) held online on May 7-June 24.
We are delighted to inform you that our students, Resa Wardana Saputra (chemical engineering) and Vincentius Adven Brillian (mechanical engineering), won 1st place in the national paper com...
We are pleased to announce that our nuclear engineering students, Deren Louis, Theo Aden Kusuma, and Aulia Dina Wulandani, have secured first-place winners at the 10th International Confere...
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a London-based company that ranks higher education institutions, has released the latest edition of World University Rankings (WUR) 2022 on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 o...
Representing Indonesia and UGM, the Critical One team consisting of Alexander Tjhung (IUP-Management 2018), Erica Lesmana (Accounting 2017), Shania Angelina (Management 2018), and Moh.
UGM students from various disciplines, Vincentius Adven Brilian (Mechanical Engineering 2019), Saeful Ghofar Zamianie Putra (Geophysics 2019), I Putu Fadya Rachmawan (Instrumentation and Co...
Bayu Panji Pangestu, an alumnus from the UGM Faculty of Law, was selected as an Indonesian delegate to the US-sponsored Young Southeast Asian Leader Initiative (YSEALI) Regional Workshop: G...
The UGM Head of Sub-directorate of Student Creativity had just revealed good news.
UGM again won a prestigious achievement in international award for its innovation.
Some UGM students that contributed their participation in the Mediation (Media in Action) Competition have led to living up UGM’s pride.
First Place Winners of Creative Writing Competition Two UGM students from different study programs, Dinar Annasta Naja Mayra (Nutrition and Health) and Shofiyah Arviana Rahmawati (Medical R...
UGM has been well-known for its excellence, especially because of the achievements they got.
Three UGM Information Technology students won first place in the 2021 UI/UX Competition held by CreateIn and Ahmad Dahlan University’s Information System Student Association.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, represented by Tim Reactics Chem-E Car, participated in the Process Engineering & Energy Days (PGD) Competition held by Universitas Indonesia.
It was a proud day for UGM when its students, for some time, have successfully brought awards home.
Pelita Harapan University, again, held their annual event called Psychology Village 12.
An alumnus of UGM recently boosted the name of UGM by representing the young Indonesian generation for the G20 Youth Summit.
PETROLIDA, an international competition organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), was held again in 2021.
Avengers Team from the UGM Faculty of Chemical consists of Ignatius Gerald Tondi Sinaga, Krisna Kurnia Adhi, Narendra Asha Kusuma Negara, Hanif Asshiddiq Rohmat, dan Adi Winata successfully...
The Proust Team from the UGM Chemical Engineering Study Program consists of Gerald Tondi Sinaga, Krisna Kurnia Adhi, Narendra Asha Kusuma Negara successfully brought home 1st winner award a...
Universitas Gadjah Mada, for some time, successfully gained awards through its students.
On 1 April, it was announced that a team from UGM Faculty Economic and Business (FEB), namely “Critical One,” had successfully won first place in HSBC Business Case Competition.
In an international competition event called Agriverse: Finding Solution for Future Sustainable Agriculture organized by the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Relate...
In an online 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, UGM had successfully won the award through Bertha Maya Sopha, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., as a ...