Rabita Madina, a Student of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) from the Faculty of Law UGM, has successfully won 1st place in the 2020 National Student Achievement Selection (Pil...
Banoo, as an IoT-based fisheries technology start-up by UGM students and alumni, has successfully qualified as a finalist for the 2020 MIT Solve Sustainable Food Systems Challenge.
Universitas Gadjah Mada got the first position in the 2020 National Student Affairs cluster released by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) on Thursday (27/8).
UGM Youth Studies Center (YouSure) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences won the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Presidential Award 2020.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU., ASEAN. Eng and Ir.
A total of 197 proposals for the UGM Student Creativity Program (PKM) headed to get research grants from the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education and C...
The UGM Arjuna Team triumphed four awards in the 4th Annual Formula Student Electric Vehicle (FSEV) Concept Challenge international competition online on June 26-July 22, 2020 by Formula Bh...
The WarnMyLungs Team performed a splendid achievement for Universitas Gadjah Mada to qualify for the 2020 Global Accelerator Hult Prize in Ashridge, United Kingdom.
The student team from the Department of Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering (DTPB) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada ranked the first place in the Agritech Exhib...
UGM students successfully won second place in the International Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Student Research Competition competition organized by The Association for Computing Machiner...
Indonesian woman engaged in geothermal research, Ir. Pri Utami, M.Sc., Ph.D., was elected as Vice President of the International Geothermal Association (IGA).
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Society of Petroleum Engineers – Student Chapter (SPE UGM-SC) won an award as the 2020 Student Chapter Excellence Award.
The UGM Semar Team won the Honorable Mention Communication Award at the Virtual Off-Track Awards, Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2020, on last Wednesday (3/6).
UGM student remains to result in achievements. Not only from the academic field, but there are also many non-academic achievements, including in the field of arts.
American Astronautical Society (AAS) held a great 2020 CanSat competition. The competition was about student design-build-launch competition for space-related topics.
The UGM PRIDE team won the first award in the DotA 2 game from the Indonesia Esports League (IEL) University Super Series on June 11-12, 2020.
The UGM student teams won first and second place in the competition of Students’ Scientific Writing held by PT Hutama Karya to celebrate their 59 Anniversary.
UGM is ranked in the top 50 in the world, according to Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking on the seven criteria of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UGM gained three awards in the 2020 Indonesia Public Relations Award (PRIA) in the Higher Education Category.
The UGM student team achieved the first title “Diamond Award” in the B2 Higher Institution Student category at the International Invention & Innovative Competition (InIIC) h...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students won the Semar Infographics Competition 2020, which took place from 5-7 March 2020 at UNS.
UGM student team from Geological Engineering accomplished in winning second place in the GGC UI 2020 Geothermal Case Study Competition.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) student teams won the national writing competition “Green Building Construction for Our Bright Future” in the series event of 2020 Design and Devel...
The UGM team triumphantly won a competition award in the 2020 Geoscience Gigantic Competition (GGC).
The student team from the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM, successfully beat an award in the ICEE Design-Tender Competition 2020.
Anna Firdhousi Nuzula, a student of the Faculty of Biology UGM, was successfully selected to participate in the Young Founders Conference Entrepreneur program in Berlin, Germany.
A total of 19 innovation results from the campus researcher team obtains a proprietary from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
The student team of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) won three awards from the Asian Youth Innovation Awards (AYIA) – Malaysia Technology Expo 2020, which took place on February 20 to 22,...
QS World University by Subject 2020 has released list rankings, and it positioned UGM in the first place in Indonesia for six discipline of studies.
UGM is ranked as the third best university in ASEAN from the ranking released by 4ICU University Rankings.