One of the alarms that reminds us of the need of the development of ethical decision making theory in higher learning is related to academic integrity.
Universitas Gadjah Mada once again graduates 1,369 students of postgraduate study, consisting of 1,213 Masters graduates, 88 Doctorate, and 68 Specialists on Thursday (19/4), in Grha Sabha ...
Arrangement of customary law community into customary village is an interesting discourse.
Nutrition quality is an important factor for in-patients, hence hospitals need to pay attention to food handling practices, including people that have to touch the food.
Babies that are born from a mother with malaria during pregnancy is vulnerable to experience malarial infection.
To confirm a disease in children often needs more than a single diagnosis.
Neonatal deaths in infants and toddlers are varied from country to country.
Lecturer in Pediatrics Department of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing UGM, dr. Ida Safitri Laksanawati, Sp.AK., has done research related to clinical and laboratory predictor ...
Libraries now have strategic role in higher learning. So, librarians need to realise their position as one that runs information resources at the university that no longer serves as library...
Patients of mandibular ameloblastoma or non-malignant tumour mostly occurs in the mandible with many have to experience radical treatment or mandibular resection whether partly or ent...
Accountant is a profession that is vulnerable to social influence pressures that come from the clients or the supervisor of the auditor.
The world has now entered the fourth industrial revolution with emphasis on digital economy, artificial intelligence, big data, robotic, and other information system that experiences disrup...
UGM Professor in Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Prof. Dra.
Wayang purwa is a shadow puppet play that comprises a show, guide, and order.
The only girl of four siblings, Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D., remembers that in their family, their father was the only one that smoked while her brothers did not.
Family saving is an important topic for families in Indonesia.
Reformulation of restorative justice principle in Indonesian criminal law needs to be made, especially on Book I of Indonesian Criminal Code as general rule of criminal law enforcement.
Implementation of Reversal Burden of Proof principle in preventing and eradicating money laundering is seen as ineffective because there are still weaknesses in such principle.
Study on the safety of nuclear power plant continues to be done.
Indonesian regulations on protection for medication consumers are not adequate.A doctoral student of Faculty of Law UGM, Norma Sari, described the issues she found in the regulations during...
Dede Syarif, M. Ag., lecturer at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, West Java, has earned a doctoral degree from UGM on Wednesday (31/1), after defending his dissertation related to the trans...
The right communication strategy through cultural approach can increase the attitude and habit of consuming local food.This was said by UGM doctoral student, Mohamad Zulkarnain Yuliarso, wh...
Tradition in naming one’s child in Indonesia has experienced dynamic changes from time to time.
Community who lives on a small island has the highest number of mobility to go out of the island.
Various efforts have been made to eradicate corruption, including the improvement of rule of law for eradicating corruption methods which continue to develop.
Accounting manipulation issue is a topic which will never disappear from business and accounting field.
The local government of Semarang is seen as having made their best effort to prevent flood and flash flood in the capital of Central Java Province.
The bank-firm relationship can influence the firm’s performance in maintaining its funding availability.
City village will become a place to live for most of the people in the future.
Population and demand for energy from fuel continue to increase while energy resources still depend on depleting fossil fuels.Biogas is a renewable energy which is potential to be used as m...