Recent News
The Indonesia – National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (I-NAMHS) is the first national mental health survey in Indonesia that measures the prevalence of mental disorders i...
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the SDM-IPTEK Foundation have awarded the 2022 Habibie Prize to Dr. Ika Dewi Ana from Universitas Gadjah Mada for her contribution to ...
During a high-level meeting in Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the University of Groningen (UG) signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, enshrining mutual commi...
The Rector of UGM, Prof. Ova Emilia, received a visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN, Kwon Hee-seog, at Universitas Gadjah Mada on Friday (21/10).
The Department of Architecture and Planning hosted the 2022 International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP) on 13-14 October at the Faculty of Engineering, Universi...
There has been an increasing trend of patent applications at UGM over the last five years.
Semar UGM picked up a total prize of $2500 at Shell Eco-Marathon 2022 Indonesia held at the Mandalika Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara, on 11-15 October 2022. The team’s Prototype an...
A total of 47 Student Creativity Program (PKM) teams from UGM have been shortlisted to compete in the 2022 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS), scheduled to kick off at the University of...
The Arutala team of the UGM Faculty of Engineering won first place in the 2022 Derrick Annual Oil and Gas Business Case Competition organized by the Exploration and Production Student Assoc...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will start a waste management-themed student community service and empowerment program this year.
In collaboration with the University of Montpellier, the France Agricultural Research Center for International Development (CIRAD), Mahidol University, and the Association of Southeast Asia...
Wahyu Tri Wicaksono and Farah Octaviani from Engineering Physics were named the winners in the paper category of the 2022 Agrocompetition held by IPB University. The two proposed an a...
UGM Engineering Physics student Billie Adrian won the 2022 Airlangga Hospitality Competition with a paper exploring the idea of utilizing an AI-guided Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) to disin...
The UGM Faculty of Forestry has agreed on a research collaboration with the Japan International Research Center for Agriculture Science (JIRCAS) to clone genetically superior tropical fores...
UGM Geological Engineering student Radista Saga has picked up a University Winner for his work “Petrophysical Analysis using Machine Learning/AI and Cloud Based System Collaborating w...
The UGM Gama Future team has taken home the top prize of 100,000 THB from the Circular Innovation Challenge 2022.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been named one of the 18 best universities in the 2022 Student Creativity Program (PKM).
UGM was announced as the third-place winner of the 2022 National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad (ON-MIPA).
Ambassador of Ukraine to Indonesia, HE Dr. Vasyl Hamianin, delivered a lecture on the war in Ukraine at the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences on Friday (23/9).
UGM students created an e-commerce platform Fi$hku to facilitate the buying and selling of fishery products among fishers, fish farmers, and consumers.
The Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI) and National University Debating Championship (NUDC) announced the winners on Friday (16/9). The UGM duos, Jason Valentino Samvero (La...
Gadjah Mada Aerospace Team (GMAT) has taken third place in the 2022 Teknofest’s Model Satellite Competition, Turkey’s first and only aerospace and technology festival.
UGM Urban Design students have bagged the top prize at the International Student Competition of the 2022 World Planning Schools Congress Asian Planning Schools Association (WPSC APSA) held ...
Arat Sabulungan had long been a guide for the indigenous people of the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, Indonesia, to preserve the environment, said five UGM Philosophy students in their res...
The UGM research team led by a pediatric dermatologist, Prof. Retno Danarti, has developed a timolol maleate gel formula to treat infantile hemangioma (IH), a benign vascular tumor found in...
A total of 175 UGM students have been presented with the 2022 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), which enables them to embark on a one-semester study at top partner u...
Five UGM students teamed up to create a laundry surfactant adsorbent from Styrofoam and shrimp shell waste.
Reactics Janaka (part of UGM Reactics Chem-E-Car team) has claimed the top prize at the 2022 Malaysia Chem-E-Car Competition organized by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia.
UGM doctoral student Tiara Putri has been named 2022 Bayer Foundation Fellowship Awardee in Drug Discovery.
UGM law students Dylan Jesse Andrian and Fikri Fahmi Faruqi were declared the winners of the 2022 Nuremberg Moot Court.