Dr. Bertha Maya Sopha from the UGM Faculty of Engineering has been officially appointed a professor of industrial engineering. The inauguration ceremony took place in the Senate Hall of t...
Media often conveys popular psychological misconceptions, for example, that total retrograde amnesia can occur through head trauma or paranormal abilities such as Extra Sensory Perception (...
Postgraduate education is not an endpoint. This stage serves as a stepping stone to continue developing knowledge, learning throughout life, and implementing it to adapt to various changes ...
Professor Ritmaleni acknowledges that the current carbon emissions and plastic pollution are consequences of chemical reactions.
Muhamad Syirojudin, a doctoral student in Geography at the UGM Faculty of Geography, researched ways to improve the use of geostatistical models of regional geomagnetic fields as a referenc...
Dr. Diah Rachmawati, the newly inaugurated professor from the UGM Faculty of Biology, has highlighted the threat of climate change to the survival of life on Earth, specifically plants.
Dr. Raden Wisnu Nurcahyo, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), was inaugurated as a professor of veterinary parasitology at the UGM Senate Hall on Tuesday (11/7). P...
Statistics on internet usage as a medium for seeking and exchanging information are snowballing.
Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan UGM, Prof. drh. Teguh Budipitojo, M.P., Ph.D.
Business processes in the digital technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) era are rapidly evolving.
Dr. Mhd. Reza M. I. Pulungan, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), was inaugurated as a professor of computer science on Tuesday (20/6).
Setya Wijayanta, a doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), obtained his...
Research in recent years has shown that seaweeds have the potential to provide new bioactive compounds and substances needed for human nutrition and health. Brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) ...
Yellow rasbora (Rasbora lateristriata), known as Wader fish in Indonesia, is classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, a...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) celebrated the promotion of Dr. Edia Rahayuningsih of Chemical Engineering to the rank of Professor on Tuesday (10/5).
Prof. Ana Nadhya Abrar of the UGM Department of Communication Science was inaugurated as a new Professor of Journalism on Thursday (10/3).
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated Dr. Suharko as a new professor of sociology on Tuesday (22/2).
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated a new professor of literature and gender on Thursday (17/2).
The new professor of Forest Products Technology, Sri Nugroho Marsoem, was inaugurated on Thursday (20/1).
Lecturer of the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Mora Claramita, was inaugurated as Professor of Medical and Health Professions Education on Thursday (1/7).
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated a new professor of Animal Products Technology on Tuesday (29/6).
Universitas Gadjah Mada appointed Titik Nuryastuti, a clinical microbiologist and head of the Department of Microbiology, as a professor on Thursday (17/6).
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated a new professor in dermatology and venereology on Tuesday (15/6).
The service of Chronic Disease Management Services in Indonesia has not been optimal.
UGM Chancellor officially inaugurated 1.934 students from bachelor and diploma programs both virtually and limited-offline on Wednesday (24/2) as an effort to prevent Covid-19 transmission.
Prof. Dr. Satibi, M.Si., Apt., as UGM Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, was inaugurated as a Professor in Pharmacy Management at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada on Thurs...
Doctors providing oncology services have a significant role in referring patients to palliative care.
Infectious diseases once again grabbed the world’s attention through the emergence of the coronavirus outbreak in 2019.
Prof. Dr. Eng. Yusril Yusuf, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Eng., as a Professor of Physics, UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, said that some universities still had limited research on the ...
Leadership is a principal contextual factor that influences creativity. However, transformational leadership strongly emphasizes how the leader directly influences individual members becaus...